
class ompy.Unfolder(num_iter=200, response=None)[source]

Bases: object

Performs Guttormsen unfolding

The algorithm is roughly as follows:

Define matrix Rij as the response in channel i when the detector is hit by γ-rays with energy corresponding to channel j. Each response function is normalized by Σi Rij = 1. The folding is then:

f = Ru

where f is the folded spectrum and u the unfolded. If we obtain better and better trial spectra u, we can fold and compare them to the observed spectrum r.

As an initial guess, the trial function is u⁰ = r, and the subsequent being:

uⁱ = uⁱ⁻¹ + (r - fⁱ⁻¹)

until fⁱ≈r.

Note that no actions are performed on the matrices; they must already be cut into the desired size.

  • num_iter (int, optional) – The number of iterations to perform. defaults to 200. The best iteration is then selected based on the score method

  • R (Matrix) – The response matrix

  • weight_fluctuation (float, optional) – A attempt to penalize fluctuations. Defaults to 1e-3

  • minimum_iterations (int, optional) – Minimum number of iterations. Defaults to 5.

  • use_compton_subtraction (bool, optional) – Set usage of Compton subtraction method. Defaults to True.

  • response_tab (DataFrame, optional) – If use_compton_subtraction=True a table with information (‘E’, ‘eff_tot’, …) must be provided.

  • FWHM_tweak_multiplier (Dict, optional) –

    See compton subtraction method Necessary keys: [“fe”, “se”, “de”, “511”]. Magne’s suggestion:

    FWHM_tweak_multiplier = {"fe": 1., "se": 1.1,
                             "de": 1.3, "511": 0.9}

  • iscores (np.ndarray, optional) – Selected iteration number in the unfolding. The unfolding and selection is performed independently for each Ex row, thus this is an array with len(raw.Ex).


  • Unfolding for a single spectrum (currently needs to be mocked as a


Unfolds the gamma-detector response of a spectrum

  • num_iter (int) – see above

  • reponse – see above

Attributes Summary


Methods Summary


Wrapper for self.apply()

apply(raw[, response])

Run unfolding.


Compute Χ² of the folded spectrum


Compton Subtraction Method in Unfolding of Guttormsen et al (NIM 1996)

fluctuations(counts[, sigma])

Calculates fluctuations in each Ex bin gamma spectrum S by summing the relative diff between the spectrum and a smoothed version of it.


Folds a matrix with the loaded response


Wrapper for Matrix.remove_negative()

score(chisquare, fluctuations)

Calculates the score of each unfolding iteration for each Ex bin based on a weighting of chisquare and fluctuations.

step(unfolded, folded, step)

Perform a single step of Guttormsen unfolding


Verify internal consistency and set default values

Attributes Documentation


Methods Documentation


Wrapper for self.apply()

Return type:


apply(raw, response=None)[source]

Run unfolding.

Selected iteration for each Ex row can be obtained via self.iscores, see above.

  • raw (Matrix) – Raw matrix to unfold

  • response (Matrix, optional) – Response matrix. Defaults to the matrix provided in initialization.


Unfolded matrix

Return type:



  • Use better criteria for terminating


Compute Χ² of the folded spectrum

Uses the familiar Χ² = Σᵢ (fᵢ-rᵢ)²/rᵢ

Return type:



Compton Subtraction Method in Unfolding of Guttormsen et al (NIM 1996)


unfolded (ndarray) – unfolded spectrum

Return type:



unfolded spectrum, with compton subtraction applied

We follow the notation of Guttormsen et al (NIM 1996) in what follows. u0 is the unfolded spectrum from above, r is the raw spectrum, .. parsed-literal:

w = us + ud + ua
is the folding contributions from everything except Compton, i.e.
us = single escape,
ua = double escape,
ua = annihilation (511).

v = pf*u0 + w == uf + w is the estimated “raw minus Compton” spectrum c is the estimated Compton spectrum.


  • The tweaking of the FWHM (“facFWHM” in Mama) has been delegated to the creation of the response matrix. If one wants to unfold with, say, 1/10 of the “real” FWHM, this this should be provided as input here already.

  • We apply smoothing to the different peak structures as described in the article. However, you may also “tweak” the FWHMs per peak for something Magne thinks is a better result.


  • When we unfolding with a reduced FWHM, should the compton method still work with the actual fhwm?

fluctuations(counts, sigma=50)[source]

Calculates fluctuations in each Ex bin gamma spectrum S by summing the relative diff between the spectrum and a smoothed version of it.

∑ | (S - ⟨S⟩) / ⟨S⟩ |

  • counts (np.ndarray) – counts of spectrum to act on (calibration from self.raw).

  • sigma (float, optional) – width of the gaussian for the smoothing. Defaults to 20


column vector of fluctuations in each Ex bin

Return type:



Folds a matrix with the loaded response


matrix (Matrix) – Input matrix


Folded matrix

Return type:

folded (Matrix)


Wrapper for Matrix.remove_negative()

Put in as an extra method to facilitate replacing this by eg. fill_and_remove_negatve


matrix (Matrix) – Input matrix

score(chisquare, fluctuations)[source]

Calculates the score of each unfolding iteration for each Ex bin based on a weighting of chisquare and fluctuations.

  • chisquare (np.ndarray) – chisquare between raw and unfolded

  • fluctuations (np.ndarray) – measure of fluctuations (to be penalized)

Return type:



score (the lower the better)

step(unfolded, folded, step)[source]

Perform a single step of Guttormsen unfolding

Performs the steps
    u = u + (r - f),      for step > 0
    f = uR
  • unfolded (np.ndarray) – unfolded spectrum of iteration step-1

  • folded (np.ndarray) – folded spectrum of of iteration step-1

  • step (np.ndarray) – Iteration number

Return type:

Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]


Arrays with counts for the unfolded and folded matrix (unfolded, folded)


Verify internal consistency and set default values


ValueError – If the raw matrix and response matrix have different calibrations.