Welcome to OMpy’s documentation!

Travis Binder Code Climate maintainability DOI

This is ompy, the Oslo method in python. It contains all the functionality needed to go from a raw coincidence matrix, via unfolding and the first-generation method, to fitting a level density and gamma-ray strength function. It also supports uncertainty propagation by Monte Carlo. If you want to try the package before installation, you may simply click here to launch it on Binder.


If you cite OMpy, please use the version-specific DOI found by clicking the Zenodo badge above; create a new version if necessary. The DOI is to last published version; the master branch may be ahead of the published version.

The full version (including the git commit) can also be obtained from ompy.__full_version__ after installation.

An article describing the implementation more detailled will follow shortly. A draft can be read on arXiv: [A new software implementation of the Oslo method with complete uncertainty propagation](https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.13248).

Indices and tables