Source code for ompy.extractor

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import warnings
import logging
from contextlib import redirect_stdout
from uncertainties import unumpy
import os

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Union, Any, Tuple, List
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from .ensemble import Ensemble
from .matrix import Matrix
from .vector import Vector
from .decomposition import chisquare_diagonal, nld_T_product
from .action import Action

if 'JPY_PARENT_PID' in os.environ:
    from tqdm import tqdm_notebook as tqdm
    from tqdm import tqdm

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Extractor: """Extracts nld and γSF from an Ensemble or a Matrix Basically a wrapper around a minimization routine with bookeeping. By giving an `Ensemble` instance and an `Action` cutting a `Matrix` into the desired shape, nuclear level density (nld) and gamma strength function (gsf/γSF) are extracted. The results are exposed in the attributes self.nld and self.gsf, as well as saved to disk. The saved results are used if filenames match, or can be loaded manually with `load()`. The method `decompose(matrix, [std])` extracts the nld and gsf from a single Matrix. Attributes: ensemble (Ensemble): The Ensemble instance to extract nld and gsf from. regenerate (bool): Whether to force extraction from matrices even if previous results are found on disk. Defaults to False method (str): The scipy.minimization method to use. Defaults to Powell. options (dict): The scipy.minimization options to use. nld (list[Vector]): The nuclear level densities extracted. gsf (list[Vector]): The gamma strength functions extracted. trapezoid (Action[Matrix]): The Action cutting the matrices of the Ensemble into the desired shape where from the nld and gsf will be extracted from. path (path): The path to save and/or load nld and gsf to/from. extend_diagonal_by_resolution (bool, optional): If `True`, the fit will be extended beyond Ex=Eg by the (FWHM) of the resolution. Remember to set the resolution according to your experiment. Defaults to False. x0 (np.ndarray or str): Initial values. See `decompose`. randomize_initial_values (bool): Randomize initial values for decomposition. Defaults to True. seed (int): Random seed for reproducibility of results. resolution_Ex (float or np.ndarray, optional): Resolution (FWHM) along Ex axis (particle detector resolution). Defaults to 150 keV TODO: - If path is given, it tries to load. If path is later set, it is not created. This is a very common pattern. Consider superclassing the disk book-keeping. """ def __init__(self, ensemble: Optional[Ensemble] = None, trapezoid: Optional[Action] = None, path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = 'saved_run/extractor'): """ ensemble (Ensemble, optional): see above trapezoid (Action[Matrix], optional): see above path (Path or str, optional): see above """ self.ensemble = ensemble self.regenerate = False self.method = 'Powell' self.options = {'disp': True, 'ftol': 1e-3, 'maxfev': None} self.nld: List[Vector] = [] self.gsf: List[Vector] = [] self.trapezoid = trapezoid if path is None: self.path = None else: self.path = Path(path) self.path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) self.x0 = None self.randomize_initial_values: bool = True self.seed: int = 98743215 np.random.seed(self.seed) # seed also in `extract_from` self.extend_fit_by_resolution: bool = False self.resolution_Ex = 150 # keV
[docs] def __call__(self, ensemble: Optional[Ensemble] = None, trapezoid: Optional[Action] = None): return self.extract_from(ensemble, trapezoid)
[docs] def extract_from(self, ensemble: Optional[Ensemble] = None, trapezoid: Optional[Action] = None, regenerate: Optional[bool] = None): """Decompose each first generation matrix in an Ensemble If `regenerate` is `True` it saves the extracted nld and gsf to file, or loads them if already generated. Exposes the vectors in the attributes self.nld and self.gsf. Args: ensemble (Ensemble, optional): The ensemble to extract nld and gsf from. Can be provided in when initializing instead. trapezoid (Action, optional): An Action describing the cut to apply to the matrices to obtain the desired region for extracting nld and gsf. regenerate (bool, optional): Whether to regenerate all nld and gsf even if they are found on disk. Raises: ValueError: If no Ensemble instance is provided here or earlier. """ if ensemble is not None: self.ensemble = ensemble elif self.ensemble is None: raise ValueError("ensemble must be given") if trapezoid is not None: self.trapezoid = trapezoid elif self.trapezoid is None: raise ValueError("A 'trapezoid' cut must be given'") if regenerate is None: regenerate = self.regenerate self.path = Path(self.path) nlds = [] gsfs = [] np.random.seed(self.seed) # seed also in `__init__` for i in tqdm(range(self.ensemble.size)): nld_path = self.path / f'nld_{i}.npy' gsf_path = self.path / f'gsf_{i}.npy' if nld_path.exists() and gsf_path.exists() and not regenerate: LOG.debug(f"loading from {nld_path} and {gsf_path}") nlds.append(Vector(path=nld_path)) gsfs.append(Vector(path=gsf_path)) else: nld, gsf = self.step(i) nlds.append(nld) gsfs.append(gsf) self.nld = nlds self.gsf = gsfs self.check_unconstrained_results()
[docs] def step(self, num: int) -> Tuple[Vector, Vector]: """ Wrapper around _extract in order to be consistent with other classes Args: num: Number of the fg matrix to extract """ nld, gsf = self._extract(num) return nld, gsf
def _extract(self, num: int) -> Tuple[Vector, Vector]: """ Extract nld and gsf from matrix number i from Ensemble Args: num: Number of the fg matrix to extract Returns: The nld and gsf as Vectors """ assert self.ensemble is not None assert self.trapezoid is not None matrix = self.ensemble.get_firstgen(num).copy() std = self.ensemble.std_firstgen.copy() # following lines might be superfluous now: # ensure same cuts for all ensemble members if Eg_max is not given # (thus auto-determined) in the trapezoid. if num == 0: self.trapezoid.act_on(matrix) self.trapezoid.curry(Eg_max=matrix.Eg[-1]) self.trapezoid.act_on(std) else: self.trapezoid.act_on(matrix) self.trapezoid.act_on(std) nld, gsf = self.decompose(matrix, std) return nld, gsf
[docs] def decompose(self, matrix: Matrix, std: Optional[Matrix] = None, x0: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, product: bool = False) -> Tuple[Vector, Vector]: """ Decomposes a matrix into nld and γSF Algorithm: Creates the energy range for nld based on the diagonal energy resolution. Tries to minimize the product:: firstgen = nld·gsf using (weighted) chi square as error function. If first nld / last gsf elements cannot be constrained, as there are no entries for them in the matrix, they will be set to `np.nan` Args: matrix: The matrix to decompose. Should already be cut into appropiate size std: The standard deviation for the matrix. Must be the same size as the matrix. If no std is provided, square error will be used instead of chi square. x0: The initial guess for nld and gsf. If `np.ndarray`, ordered as (T0, nld0). Otherwise, if `str`, used as the method, see `guess_initial_values` (where also defaults are given). product: Whether to return the first generation matrix resulting from the product of nld and gsf. Returns: The nuclear level density and the gamma strength function as Vectors. Optionally returns `nld*γSF` if `product` is `True` """ if np.any(matrix.values < 0): raise ValueError("input matrix has to have positive entries only.") if std is not None: std = std.copy() if np.any(std.values < 0): raise ValueError("std has to have positive entries only.") assert matrix.shape == std.shape, \ f"matrix.shape: {matrix.shape} != std.shape : {std.shape}" std.values = std.values.copy(order='C') matrix.values, std.values = normalize(matrix, std) matrix.Ex = matrix.Ex.copy(order='C') matrix.Eg = matrix.Eg.copy(order='C') else: matrix.values, _ = normalize(matrix) # Eg and Ex *must* have the same step size for the # decomposition to make sense. dEx = matrix.Ex[1] - matrix.Ex[0] dEg = matrix.Eg[1] - matrix.Eg[0] assert np.isclose(dEx, dEg), \ "Ex and Eg must have the same bin width. Currently they have"\ f"dEx: {dEx:.1f} and dEg: {dEg:.1f}. You have to rebin.\n"\ "The `ensemble` class has a `rebin` method." bin_width = dEx # create nld energy array Emin = matrix.Ex.min()-matrix.Eg.max() Emax = matrix.Ex.max()-matrix.Eg.min() E_nld = np.linspace(Emin, Emax, int(np.ceil((Emax-Emin)/bin_width))+1) if self.extend_fit_by_resolution: resolution = self.diagonal_resolution(matrix) else: resolution = np.zeros_like(matrix.Ex) x0 = self.x0 if x0 is None else x0 if x0 is None or isinstance(x0, str): # default initials or method x0 = self.guess_initial_values(E_nld, matrix, x0) assert len(x0) == E_nld.size + matrix.Eg.size if self.randomize_initial_values: x0 = np.random.uniform(x0/5, x0*5) # arb. choice for bounds def errfun(x: np.ndarray) -> float: # Add a non-negative constraint if np.any(x < 0): return 1e20 T = x[:matrix.Eg.size] nld = x[matrix.Eg.size:] fit = nld_T_product(nld, T, resolution, E_nld, matrix.Eg, matrix.Ex) if std is None: return np.sum((matrix.values - fit)**2) else: chi = chisquare_diagonal(matrix.values, fit, std.values, resolution, matrix.Eg, matrix.Ex) return chi"Minimizing") LOG.write = lambda msg: if msg != '\n' else None with redirect_stdout(LOG): res = minimize(errfun, x0=x0, method=self.method, options=self.options) T = res.x[:matrix.Eg.size] nld = res.x[matrix.Eg.size:] # Set elements that couldn't be constrained (no entries) to np.nan nld_counts0, T_counts0 = self.constraining_counts(matrix, resolution) T[T_counts0 == 0] = np.nan nld[nld_counts0 == 0] = np.nan # Convert transmission coefficient to the more useful # gamma strength function gsf = T/(2*np.pi*matrix.Eg**3) if product: nld_0 = np.where(np.isnan(nld), np.zeros_like(nld), nld) T_0 = np.where(np.isnan(T), np.zeros_like(T), T) values = nld_T_product(nld_0, T_0, resolution, E_nld, matrix.Eg, matrix.Ex) mat = Matrix(values=values, Ex=matrix.Ex, Eg=matrix.Eg) return Vector(nld, E_nld), Vector(gsf, matrix.Eg), mat else: return Vector(nld, E_nld), Vector(gsf, matrix.Eg)
[docs] def guess_initial_values(self, E_nld: np.ndarray, matrix: Matrix, method: Optional[str] = None) -> np.ndarray: """Guess initial values `x0` for minimization rountine Note: Different initial guesses will affect the normalization constants needed later. In order to minimize the effort when changing the initial guess (`method`), one can try to provide initial guesses where the nld is approx(!) 1 in all bins. Args: E_nld: Energy array of nld matrix: Matrix to be sent to minimization method (optional): Method for initial guesses. Defaults to a backshifted Fermi-gas like initial value. This default is choosen, because we often find a CT-like result -- so we want something dissimilar as a start. Returns: x0: Initial guesses as a stacked array of (T0, nld0) """ if E_nld[-1] > 100:"Infering calibration that calibration is in keV.") E_nld = E_nld.copy() E_nld /= 1000 if method is None or method == "BSFG-like": nld0 = self.x0_BSFG(E_nld) elif method == "CT-like": nld0 = self.x0_CT(E_nld) elif method == "parabola": nld0 = self.x0_parabola(E_nld) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Method {method} not in " "['BSFG-like','CT-like'.") T0, _ = matrix.projection('Eg') assert T0.size == matrix.Eg.size x0 = np.append(T0, nld0) assert np.isfinite(x0).all return x0
[docs] @staticmethod def x0_BSFG(E_nld: np.ndarray, E0: float = -.2, a: float = 15): """ Initial guess that resembles Backshifted Fermi-gas solution Note that this is like a fermi-gas after transformation with `Aexp(αE)`. Default parameters are chosen somewhat arbitrary, but resembling fitted values reported in EB2005. Args: E_nld: Energy array of nld in [MeV] E0 (optional): Back-shift in [MeV]. Defaults to -0.2. a (optional): Level density parameter in [MeV⁻¹]. Defaults to 15. Returns: nld0: Initial guess """ U = E_nld - E0 U[U <= 0] = 0.5 # workaround for negative energies (or E=0) fg = np.exp(2*np.sqrt(a*U)) / (a**(1/4)*U**(5/4)) # transform for convenience, such that the result is close to 1 # for many bins -- here: same value at 1/4 of the length as at end N = len(fg) alpha = np.log(fg[N//4]/fg[-1]) / (E_nld[-1] - E_nld[N//4]) fg *= np.exp(alpha*E_nld) fg /= fg[N//2] * 0.7 # at half of the array, values = 1/0.7 = 1.4 return fg
[docs] @staticmethod def x0_CT(E_nld: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Initial guess that resembles CT solution This is the proposal of Schiller2000 -- however, note that a constant nld of 1 after the transformation with `Aexp(αE)` is just like the CT formula. Args: E_nld: Energy array of nld Returns: nld0: Initial guess """ return np.ones(E_nld.size)
[docs] @staticmethod def x0_parabola(E_nld: np.ndarray, E0: float = 4, y0: float = 0.01, a: float = 1) -> np.ndarray: """Initial guess as parabola a(E_nld - E0)² + y0 This is quite crazy; For E0 > 0: the NLD is not expected to reduce for higher Ex Args: E_nld: Energy array of nld [in MeV] E0: shift constant in x direction [in MeV] y0: shift constant in y direction. a: multiplier Returns: nld0: Initial guess """ vals = a*(E_nld - E0)**2 + y0 assert (vals >= 0).all(), "Negative nld is meaningless" return vals
[docs] @staticmethod def constraining_counts(matrix: Matrix, resolution: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Number of counts constraining each nld bin and gsf bin Args: matrix (Matrix): Input matrix resolution (np.ndarray): Resolution at `Ex=Ex` Returns: Tuple[nld_counts, T_counts]: Number of counts constraining each nld and gsf bin """ matrix = matrix.copy() # Mask elements beyond Ex + resolution* to 0 (not used in chi2) # * + halfbin to get closest bin (when calib uses midbins) Egs = np.tile(matrix.Eg, (matrix.shape[0], 1)) # reapeat Egs halfbin = (matrix.Eg[1]-matrix.Eg[0])/2 Emax = (matrix.Ex + resolution)[:, np.newaxis] + halfbin matrix.values =, Egs > Emax) # sum counts along diagonals start = - (matrix.shape[0] - 1) stop = matrix.shape[1] nld_counts = np.array([matrix.values.trace(offset=d) for d in range(start, stop)]) nld_counts = nld_counts[::-1] T_counts, _ = matrix.projection('Eg') return nld_counts,
[docs] def diagonal_resolution(self, matrix: Matrix) -> np.ndarray: """Detector resolution at the Ex=Eg diagonal Uses gaussian error propagations which assumes independence of resolutions along Ex and Eg axis. Args: matrix (Matrix): Matrix for which the sesoluton shall be calculated Returns: resolution at Ex = Eg. """ dEx = matrix.Ex[1] - matrix.Ex[0] dEg = matrix.Eg[1] - matrix.Eg[0] assert dEx == dEg dE_resolution = np.sqrt(self.resolution_Ex**2 + self.resolution_Eg(matrix)**2) return dE_resolution
[docs] @staticmethod def resolution_Eg(matrix: Matrix) -> np.ndarray: """Resolution along Eg axis for each Ex. Defaults in this class are for OSCAR. Args: matrix (Matrix): Matrix for which the sesoluton shall be calculated Returns: resolution """ def fFWHM(E, p): return np.sqrt(p[0] + p[1] * E + p[2] * E**2) fwhm_pars = np.array([73.2087, 0.50824, 9.62481e-05]) return fFWHM(matrix.Ex, fwhm_pars)
[docs] def plot(self, ax: Optional[Any] = None, scale: str = 'log', plot_mean: bool = False, color='k', **kwargs) -> None: """ Basic visualization of nld and gsf Args: ax: An axis to plot onto scale: Scale to use plot_mean: Whether to plot individual samples or mean & std. dev """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, constrained_layout=True) else: fig = ax[0].figure if plot_mean: ax[0].errorbar(self.nld[0].E, self.nld_mean(), yerr=self.nld_std(), fmt='o', ms=2, lw=1, color=color, **kwargs) ax[1].errorbar(self.gsf[0].E, self.gsf_mean(), yerr=self.gsf_std(), fmt='o', ms=2, lw=1, color=color, **kwargs) else: for nld, gsf in zip(self.nld, self.gsf): ax[0].plot(nld.E, nld.values, color=color, alpha=1/len(self.nld), **kwargs) ax[1].plot(gsf.E, gsf.values, color=color, alpha=1/len(self.gsf), **kwargs) ax[0].set_title("Level density") ax[1].set_title(r"$\gamma$SF") if scale == 'log': ax[0].set_yscale("log") ax[1].set_yscale("log") return fig, ax
[docs] def check_unconstrained_results(self) -> bool: """ Checks results for unconstrained elements (np.nan) Returns: bool: True if results contain unconstrained elements, else False """ contains_nan = False for i, vec in enumerate(self.nld): if np.isnan(vec.values).any(): contains_nan = True LOG.warning(f"nld #{i} contains nan's.\n" "Consider removing them e.g. with:\n" "# for nld in extractor.nld:\n" "# nld.cut_nan()\n") for i, vec in enumerate(self.nld): if np.isnan(vec.values).any(): contains_nan = True LOG.warning(f"gsf #{i} contains nan's.\n" "Consider removing them e.g. with:\n" "# for gsf in extractor.gsf:\n" "# gsf.cut_nan()\n") return contains_nan
[docs] def nld_mean(self) -> np.ndarray: return np.nanmean([nld.values for nld in self.nld], axis=0)
[docs] def gsf_mean(self) -> np.ndarray: return np.nanmean([gsf.values for gsf in self.gsf], axis=0)
[docs] def nld_std(self) -> np.ndarray: return np.nanstd([nld.values for nld in self.nld], axis=0)
[docs] def gsf_std(self) -> np.ndarray: return np.nanstd([gsf.values for gsf in self.gsf], axis=0)
[docs] def ensemble_nld(self) -> Vector: energy = self.nld[0].E values = self.nld_mean() std = self.nld_std() return Vector(values=values, E=energy, std=std)
[docs] def ensemble_gsf(self) -> Vector: energy = self.gsf[0].E values = self.gsf_mean() std = self.gsf_std() return Vector(values=values, E=energy, std=std)
def __getstate__(self): """ `__getstate__` excluding `ensemble` attribute to save space """ state = self.__dict__.copy() try: del state['ensemble'] except KeyError: pass return state
def normalize(mat: Matrix, std: Optional[Matrix]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Matrix normalization per row taking into account the std. dev Error propagation assuming gaussian error propagation. Args: mat (Matrix): input matrix std (Matrix, optional): Standard deviation at each bin Returns: Values of normalized matrix and normalized standard deviation """ matrix = unumpy.uarray(mat.values, std.values if std is not None else None) # normalize each Ex row to 1 (-> get decay probability) for i, total in enumerate(matrix.sum(axis=1)): if total == 0: continue matrix[i, :] = np.true_divide(matrix[i, :], total) values = unumpy.nominal_values(matrix) std = unumpy.std_devs(matrix) return values, std