Source code for ompy.firstgeneration

import copy
import logging
import termtables as tt
import numpy as np
from typing import Tuple, Optional, Callable
from .matrix import Matrix
from .vector import Vector
from .library import div0
from .rebin import rebin_2D
from .action import Action

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class FirstGeneration: """First generation method from Guttormsen et al. (NIM 1987). Note: Attributes need to be set only if the respective method (statistical / total) multiplicity estimation is used. Attributes: num_iterations (int): Number of iterations the first generations method is applied. Defaults to 10. multiplicity_estimation (str): Selects which method should be used for the multiplicity estimation. Can be either "statistical", or "total". Default is "statistical". statistical_upper (float): Threshold for upper limit in `statistical` multiplicity estimation. Defaults to 430 keV. statistical_lower (float): Threshold for lower limit in `statistical` multiplicity estimation. Defaults to 200 keV. statistical_ratio (float): Ratio in `statistical` multiplicity estimation. Defaults to 0.3. Ex_entry_shift (float): Shift applied to the energy in `statistical` multiplicity estimation. Defaults to 200 keV. TODO: Unknown how to pick. Magne described a manual method by looking at the known low energy states. Ex_entry_statistical (float): Average entry point in ground band for statistical multiplicity in statistical multiplicity estimation. Defaults to 300 keV. Ex_entry_total (float): Average entry point in ground band for `total` multiplicity estimation. Defaults to 0 keV. valley_correction (Vector): See `step` method. Default: None. use_slide (bool): Use sliding Ex ratio (?). Default: False. action (Action): Placeholder if an `Action` should be applied. This cut for example be a "cut" of the `Ex` bins to consider. TODO: - Clean up where attributes are set for the respective methods. """ def __init__(self): self.num_iterations: int = 10 self.multiplicity_estimation: str = 'statistical' self.statistical_upper: float = 430.0 # MAMA ThresSta self.statistical_lower: float = 200.0 # MAMA ThresTot self.statistical_ratio: float = 0.3 # MAMA ThresRatio self.Ex_entry_shift: float = 200.0 self.Ex_entry_statistical: float = 300.0 # MAMA ExEntry0s self.Ex_entry_total: float = 0.0 # MAMA ExEntry0t self.valley_correction: Optional[Vector] = None self.use_slide: bool = False self.action = Action('matrix')
[docs] def __call__(self, matrix: Matrix) -> Matrix: """ Wrapper for self.apply() """ return self.apply(matrix)
[docs] def apply(self, unfolded: Matrix) -> Matrix: """ Apply the first generation method to a matrix Args: unfolded: An unfolded matrix to apply the first generation method to. Returns: The first generation matrix """ matrix = unfolded.copy() self.action.act_on(matrix) if np.any(matrix.Ex < 0): raise ValueError("input matrix has to have positive Ex entries" "only. Consider using `matrix.cut('Ex', Emin=0)`") if np.any(matrix.values < 0): raise ValueError("input matrix has to have positive entries only.") valley_correction = self.cut_valley_correction(matrix) H, W, normalization = self.setup(matrix) for iteration in range(self.num_iterations): H_old = np.copy(H) H, W = self.step(iteration, H, W, normalization, matrix, valley_correction) diff = np.max(np.abs(H - H_old))"iter %i/%i: ε = %g", iteration+1, self.num_iterations, diff) final = Matrix(values=H, Eg=matrix.Eg, Ex=matrix.Ex) final.state = "firstgen" self.remove_negative(final) return final
[docs] def setup(self, matrix: Matrix) -> Tuple[Matrix, Matrix, Matrix]: """ Set up initial first generation matrix with normalized Ex rows """ H: np.ndarray = self.row_normalized(matrix) # Initial weights should also be row normalized W: np.ndarray = self.row_normalized(matrix) # The multiplicity normalization normalization = self.multiplicity_normalization(matrix) return H, W, normalization
[docs] def step(self, iteration: int, H_old: np.ndarray, W_old: np.ndarray, N: np.ndarray, matrix: Matrix, valley_correction: Optional[np.ndarray] = None)\ -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ An iteration step in the first generation method The most interesting part of the first generation method. Implementation of a single step in the first generation method. Args: iteration: the current iteration step H_old: The previous H matrix W_old: The previous weights N: The normalization matrix: The matrix the method is applied to valley_correction (np.ndarray, optional): Array of weight factors for each Ex bin that can be used to manually "turn off" /decrease the influence of very large peaks in the method. """ H = rebin_2D(H_old, matrix.Eg, matrix.Ex, 1) W = np.zeros_like(H) for i in range(W.shape[0]): # Loop over Ex rows W[i, :i] = H[i, i:0:-1] # Prevent oscillations if iteration > 4: W = 0.7*W + 0.3*W_old W = np.nan_to_num(W) W[W < 0] = 0.0 # Normalize each row to unity W = normalize_rows(W) if valley_correction is None: G = (N * W) @ matrix.values else: G = (N * W * valley_correction) @ matrix.values H = matrix.values - G return H, W
[docs] def multiplicity_normalization(self, matrix: Matrix) -> np.ndarray: """ Generate multiplicity normalization Args: matrix: The matrix to find the multiplicty normalization of. Returns: A square matrix of the normalization """ multiplicities = self.multiplicity(matrix) LOG.debug("Multiplicites:\n%s", tt.to_string( np.vstack([matrix.Ex, multiplicities.round(2)]).T, header=('Ex', 'Multiplicities') )) assert (multiplicities >= 0).all(), "Bug. Contact developers" sum_counts, _ = matrix.projection('Ex') normalization = div0(np.outer(sum_counts, multiplicities), np.outer(multiplicities, sum_counts)) return normalization
[docs] def multiplicity(self, matrix: Matrix) -> np.ndarray: """ Dispatch method returning statistical or total multiplicity Args: matrix: The matrix to get multiplicities from Returns: The multiplicities in a row matrix of same dimension as matrix.Ex """ if self.multiplicity_estimation == 'statistical': return self.multiplicity_statistical(matrix) if self.multiplicity_estimation == 'total': return self.multiplicity_total(matrix) raise AssertionError("Impossible condition")
[docs] def multiplicity_statistical(self, matrix: Matrix) -> np.ndarray: """ Finds the multiplicties using Ex above yrast Args: matrix: The matrix to get the multiplicites from Returns: The multiplicities in a row matrix of same dimension as matrix.Ex """ # Hacky solution (creation of Magne) to exclude # difficult low energy regions, while including 2+ decay # if 4+ decay is unlikely # This is done by using statistical_upper for energies above and # statistical lower for energies below, with a sliding threshold # inbetween values = copy.copy(matrix.values) Eg, Ex = np.meshgrid(matrix.Eg, matrix.Ex) Ex_prime = Ex * self.statistical_ratio if self.use_slide: # TODO np.clip is much more elegant slide = np.minimum(np.maximum(Ex_prime, self.statistical_lower), self.statistical_upper) else: slide = self.statistical_upper values[slide > Eg] = 0.0 # 〈Eg〉= ∑ xP(x) = ∑ xN(x)/∑ N(x) sum_counts = np.sum(values, axis=1) Eg_sum_counts = np.sum(Eg*values, axis=1) Eg_mean = div0(Eg_sum_counts, sum_counts) # Statistical multiplicity. # Entry energy where the statistical γ-cascade ends in the # yrast line. entry = np.maximum( np.minimum(matrix.Ex - self.Ex_entry_shift, self.Ex_entry_statistical), 0.0) multiplicity = div0(matrix.Ex - entry, Eg_mean) return multiplicity
[docs] def multiplicity_total(self, matrix: Matrix) -> np.ndarray: """ Finds the multiplicties using all of Ex Args: matrix: The matrix to get the multiplicites from Returns: The multiplicities in a row matrix of same dimension as matrix.Ex """ # 〈Eg〉= ∑ xP(x) = ∑ xN(x)/∑ N(x) sum_counts = np.sum(matrix.values, axis=1) Eg_sum_counts = np.sum((matrix.Eg)*matrix.values, axis=1) Eg_mean = div0(Eg_sum_counts, sum_counts) multiplicity = div0(matrix.Ex, Eg_mean) multiplicity[multiplicity < 0] = 0 return multiplicity
[docs] def row_normalized(self, matrix: Matrix) -> np.ndarray: """Set up a diagonal array with constant Ex rows Args: matrix (Matrix): Input matrix Returns: Array where each Ex-row has constant value given as 1/γ where γ is the length of the row from 0 Eγ to the diagonal. """ H = np.zeros(matrix.shape) for i, j in matrix.diagonal_elements(): H[i, :j] = 1/max(1, j) return H
[docs] def cut_valley_correction(self, matrix: Matrix) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: """ Cut valley correction Ex axis if neccessary. Ensures valley correction has the same Ex axis as the matrix it will be used with. Args: matrix (Matrix): Matrix that the valley correction will be used with. Returns: valley_correction (None or np.ndarray): None if self.valley_correction is None. Otherwise a np.ndarray with the same length as matrix.Ex. """ valley_correction = self.valley_correction if valley_correction is None: return None if not isinstance(valley_correction, Vector): raise TypeError("`valley_correction` must be a vector.") valley_correction.copy() valley_correction.cut(Emin=matrix.Ex.min(), Emax=matrix.Ex.max()) assert np.allclose(valley_correction.E, matrix.Ex) if np.any(valley_correction.values < 0): raise ValueError("valley correction has to have positive entries only.") return valley_correction.values
@property def multiplicity_estimation(self) -> str: return self._multiplicity_estimation @multiplicity_estimation.setter def multiplicity_estimation(self, method: str) -> None: if method.lower() in ['statistical', 'total']: self._multiplicity_estimation = method.lower() else: raise ValueError("Expected multiplicity estimation to" " be either 'statistical' or 'total'")
[docs] @staticmethod def allgen_from_primary(fg: Matrix, xs: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> Matrix: """Create all generation matrix from first generations matrix .. code:: AG(Ex, Eg) = FG(Ex, Eg) + ∑ σ[Ex] weight(Ex->Ex') AG(Ex', Eg) / σ[Ex'], where the sum runs over all excitation energies `Ex' < Ex`. Args: fg (Matrix): First generations matrix xs (np.ndarray, optional): Population cross-section for each Ex bin in #times populated, not mb. Default is the same population as the fg_matrix. Returns: ag (Matrix): All generations matrix """ if xs is None: xs = fg.values.sum(axis=1) fg = fg.copy() w = fg.copy() w[:] = 0 ag = fg.copy() ag[:] = 0 # Note: cannot do this here, as FG matrix "flipped" around Eg_center # w = np.tril(fg) # w = np.flip(w, axis=1) for i in range(w.shape[0]): # Loop over Ex rows w[i, :i+1] = fg[i, i::-1] w.values = normalize_rows(w.values) for i, Ex in enumerate(fg.Ex): # 1 fg per population ag[i, :] = div0(fg[i, :], fg[i, :].sum()) * xs[i] if i == 0: continue else: for j, Efinal in enumerate(fg.Ex): # add underlying AGs ag[i, :] += xs[i] * w[i, j] * div0(ag[j, :], xs[j]) return ag
[docs] def remove_negative(self, matrix: Matrix): """ Wrapper for Matrix.remove_negative() Put in as an extra method to facilitate replacing this by eg. `fill_and_remove_negatve` Args: matrix: Input matrix """ matrix.remove_negative()
[docs]def normalize_rows(array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Normalize each row to unity """ return div0(array, array.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis])