Source code for ompy.models

import numpy as np
import re
import pickle
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, fields, asdict
from typing import Optional, Union, Tuple, Any, Dict, Callable, List
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

from .vector import Vector

def NonTuple2():
    return [None, None]

[docs]@dataclass() class Model: """Dataclass for Model Attributes: Name: Name of the class (for printing etc.) """ name: str __isfrozen: bool = False
[docs] def get_parameters(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns a list of the names of the paramters """ parameters = [p for p in self.__dict__.keys() if "__" not in p] return parameters
[docs] def is_changed(self, include: List[str] = [], exclude: List[str] = []) -> None: """Verify that defaults arguments have been changed Args: include (List[str], optional): List of attribute names be included in the check. Default is all attributes. exclude (List[str], optional): List of attribute names to exclude be excluded from check. Default is none Raises: ValueError: If parameters are still the default values """ include = include if include else self.get_parameters() keys = [k for k in include if k not in exclude] for key in keys: # exception for self._Emax: call self.Emax if key.startswith("_"): key = key[1:] val = getattr(self, key) if val is None: raise ValueError(f"Model `{}` has default (None) " f"variable `{key}`.") if isinstance(val, list): if not val or None in val: raise ValueError(f"Model `{}` has default [] " f"or `None` in variable `{name}`.")
[docs] def asdict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ return fields and properties as dict """ dic = {prop: getattr(self, prop) for prop in dir(self) if not (prop.startswith('__') or callable(getattr(Model, prop, None)))} return dic
[docs] def save(self, path: Union[str, Path]) -> None: """Save the model parameters to `path` Args: path (Union[str, Path]): The path """ path = Path(path) with'wb') as fopen: pickle.dump(self, fopen, -1)
[docs] def load(self, path: Union[str, Path]) -> None: """Loads own parameters from `path` Args: path (Union[str, Path]): Path to pickled file Raises: IOError: Path doesn't exist """ path = Path(path) if not path.exists(): raise IOError(f"The path {path} does not exist.") with'rb') as fin: obj = pickle.load(fin) for k in obj.get_parameters(): setattr(self, k, getattr(obj, k))
def __setattr__(self, attr, value) -> None: if self.__isfrozen and not hasattr(self, attr): raise AttributeError(f"Model `{}` does not" f" have parameter `{attr}`") else: super().__setattr__(attr, value) def _freeze(self): self.__isfrozen = True def __post_init__(self): self._freeze() def __str__(self) -> str: string = f'Model {}\n\n' for fld in fields(self): if == 'name': continue if fld.metadata: string += str(fld.metadata) + "\n" # replace field name if equivalent property exists # keep fld.type, as methods with property decorator are not typed try: assert[0] == '_' fieldname =[1:] val = getattr(self, fieldname) except (AssertionError, AttributeError, IndexError): fieldname = val = getattr(self, string += f"{fieldname}: {gettype(fld.type)} = " string += f"{val}\n\n" return string[:-2]
def gettype(signature): signature = str(signature) signature = signature.replace('typing.', '') # Remove nested types types signature = re.sub(r"\w+\.", '', signature) if signature[0] == "<": return signature.split("'")[1] return signature @dataclass class AbstractExtrapolationModel(Model): """Abstract class for extrapolation models Attributes: scale (float): Exponential scaling Exp[scale*Eg + shift] before normalization in MeV^-1 shift (float): Exponential shift Exp[scale*Eg + shift] before normalization shift_after (float): Exponential shift Exp[scale*Eg + shift]' after normalization Emin (float, optional): Minimal gamma energy to extrapolate from in MeV Emax (float, optional): Maximal gamma energy to extrapolate from in MeV steps (float, optional): Number of gamma energies to use in extrapolation. Defaults to 1001. method (float): Method to obtain `scale` and `shift`. Must be in either ["fit", "fix"] model (Callable[..., Any]): If `method` is `"fit"`, the model to fit to the data has to be provided Efit (Tuple[float, float]): Fit range (lower, higher). TODO: - allow for more flexible (more general) models. """ scale: float = field(default=1.0, metadata='Exponential scaling Exp[scale*Eg + shift]' 'before normalization in MeV^-1') # noqa shift: float = field(default=25.0, metadata='Exponential shift Exp[scale*Eg + shift]' 'before normalization') # noqa _shift_after: float = field(default=None, metadata='Exponential shift Exp[scale*Eg + shift]' 'after normalization') # noqa Emin: Optional[float] = field(default=None, metadata='Minimal gamma energy to extrapolate from in MeV') # noqa Emax: Optional[float] = field(default=None, metadata='Maximal gamma energy to extrapolate from in MeV') # noqa steps: int = field(default=1001, metadata='Number of gamma energies to use in extrapolation') # noqa _method: str = field(default="fit", metadata='Method for obtaining `scale` and `shift`') # noqa # if method is "fit" model: Callable[..., Any] = field(default=None, metadata='extrapolation model') # noqa Efit: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = \ field(default_factory=NonTuple2, metadata='Fit range') # noqa def range(self) -> np.ndarray: """Linearly spaced array from Emin to Emax """ return np.linspace(self.Emin, self.Emax, self.steps) @property def method(self) -> str: return self._method @method.setter def method(self, value: str) -> None: implemented = ["fit", "fix"] if value not in implemented: raise NotImplementedError(f"method: {value}" f"must be in {implemented}") else: self._method = value @property def shift_after(self) -> str: if self._shift_after is None: return self.shift else: return self._shift_after @shift_after.setter def shift_after(self, value: float) -> None: self._shift_after = value def norm_to_shift_after(self, norm: float) -> None: self.shift_after = self.shift + np.log(norm) def fit(self, gsf: Vector, model: Optional[float] = None, Emin: Optional[float] = None, Emax: Optional[float] = None) -> None: """Fits parameters of `model` to the given gsf Optional parameters are detemined from the instance attributes if not provided. Results are stored in the instance attributes. Args: gsf (Vector): gsf model (float, optional): model to fit Emin (float, optional): Lower limit on the fit range Emax (float, optional): Higher limit on the fit range TODO: - allow for more flexible (more general) models. """ if model is None: model = self.model self.autofitrange(gsf) # sets only if self.Efit[i] is None if Emin is None: Emin = self.Efit[0] if Emax is None: Emax = self.Efit[1] assert Emin < Emax, f"Emin: {Emin:.1f} should be < Emax: {Emax:.1f}" idx1 = gsf.index(Emin) idx2 = gsf.index(Emax) x = gsf.E[idx1:idx2+1] y = gsf.values[idx1:idx2+1] if gsf.std is None: yerr = None else: yerr = gsf.std[idx1:idx2+1] popt, pcov = curve_fit(model, x, y, sigma=yerr, p0=[1., -20.]) self.scale = popt[0] self.shift = popt[1] def extrapolate(self, E: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, scaled: Optional[bool] = True) -> Vector: """ Wrapper to extrapolate a model Args: E (optional): extrapolation energies. If not scaled (optional): If gsf is normalized, use same scaling Returns: The extrapolated values """ shift = self.shift_after if scaled else self.shift if E is None: E = self.range() values = self.model(E, self.scale, shift) return Vector(values=values, E=E) def autorange(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Not implemented for Abstract """ raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented for Abstract") def autofitrange(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Not implemented for Abstract """ raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented for Abstract") @dataclass class ExtrapolationModelLow(AbstractExtrapolationModel): model: Callable[..., Any] = field(default=None, metadata='extrapolation model') # noqa def __post_init__(self): self.model = self.__model def autorange(self, gsf: Vector): """ Set Emin and Emax in MeV from gsf if not set before """ gsf = gsf.copy() gsf.to_MeV() self.Emin = 0 if self.Emin is None else self.Emin self.Emax = gsf.E[0] if self.Emax is None else self.Emax def autofitrange(self, gsf: Vector): """ Guess(!) Efit in MeV from gsf if not set before""" gsf = gsf.copy() gsf.to_MeV() fraction = int(len(gsf.E) / 6) if self.Efit[0] is None: if len(gsf.E) < 8: raise NotImplementedError("Set Efit manually") self.Efit[0] = gsf.E[2] if self.Efit[1] is None: if len(gsf.E) < 8: raise NotImplementedError("Set Efit manually") self.Efit[1] = gsf.E[fraction+2] def __model(self, Eg: Optional[float] = None, scale: Optional[float] = None, shift: Optional[float] = None) -> np.ndarray: """ gsf extrapolation at low energies Computes Exp[scale·Eg + shift] Args: Eg: Gamma-ray energies scale: The scaling parameter shift: The shift parameter Returns: Extrapolated values """ if Eg is None: try: Eg = self.range() except TypeError: raise ValueError("Need to set Eg, or self.Emin and self.Emax") if scale is None: scale = self.scale if shift is None: shift = self.shift return np.exp(scale*Eg + shift) @dataclass class ExtrapolationModelHigh(AbstractExtrapolationModel): model: Callable[..., Any] = field(default=None, metadata='extrapolation model') # noqa def __post_init__(self): self.model = self.__model def autorange(self, gsf: Vector): """ Set Emin and Emax in MeV from gsf if not set before """ gsf = gsf.copy() gsf.to_MeV() self.Emin = 0 if self.Emin is None else self.Emin self.Emax = 20 if self.Emax is None else self.Emax def autofitrange(self, gsf: Vector, check_existing: bool = True): """ Guess(!) Efit in MeV from gsf if not set before""" gsf = gsf.copy() gsf.to_MeV() fraction = int(len(gsf.E) / 6) if self.Efit[0] is None: if len(gsf.E) < 8: raise NotImplementedError("Set Efit manually") self.Efit[0] = gsf.E[-fraction-2] if self.Efit[1] is None: if len(gsf.E) < 8: raise NotImplementedError("Set Efit manually") self.Efit[1] = gsf.E[-2] def __model(self, Eg: Optional[float] = None, scale: Optional[float] = None, shift: Optional[float] = None) -> np.ndarray: """ gsf extrapolation at high energies Computes Exp[scale·Eg + shift] / Eg³ Args: Eg: Gamma-ray energies scale: The scaling parameter shift: The shift parameter Returns: Extrapolated values """ if Eg is None: try: Eg = self.range() except TypeError: raise ValueError("Need to set Eg, or self.Emin and self.Emax") if scale is None: scale = self.scale if shift is None: shift = self.shift return np.exp(scale*Eg + shift) / np.power(Eg, 3)
[docs]@dataclass class NormalizationParameters(Model): """Storage for normalization parameters + some convenience functions Note: Due to a issue with automodapi #115, members using `default_factory` have to be documented explicitly here - .. autoattribute:: exclude_check_change """ #: Element number of the nucleus Z: Optional[int] = field(default=None, metadata="Element number of the nucleus") # noqa #: Mass number of the nucleus _A: Optional[int] = field(default=None, metadata="Mass number of the nucleus") # noqa #: Average s-wave resonance spacing D0 [eV] D0: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = field(default=None, metadata='Average s-wave resonance spacing D0 [eV]') # noqa #: Total average radiative width [meV] Gg: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = field(default=None, metadata='Total average radiative width [meV]') # noqa #: Neutron separation energy [MeV] Sn: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = field(default=None, metadata='Neutron separation energy [MeV]') # noqa #: "Target" (A-1 nucleus) ground state spin Jtarget: Optional[float] = field(default=None, metadata='"Target" (A-1 nucleus) ground state spin') # noqa #: Min energy to integrate <Γγ> from Emin: float = field(default=0.0, metadata="Min energy to integrate <Γγ> from") # noqa #: Max energy to integrate <Γγ> to _Emax: float = field(default=None, metadata="Max energy to integrate <Γγ> to") # noqa #: Number of steps in energy grid steps: int = field(default=101, metadata="Number of steps in energy grid") # noqa #: Spincut model spincutModel: str = field(default=None, metadata='Spincut model') # noqa #: Parameters necessary for the spin cut model _spincutPars: Dict[str, Any] = field(default=None, metadata='parameters necessary for the spin cut model') # noqa #: Optional Parameters (do not check in `is_changed`). #: Defaults to ["A", "Z", "exclude_check_change"] exclude_check_change: List[str] = \ field(default_factory=lambda: ["A", "Z", "exclude_check_change"], metadata='Optional parameters.')
[docs] def is_changed(self, include: List[str] = [], exclude: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None: """Wrapper of :meth:`Model.is_changed()` Note: List optional/convenience parameterts in `self.exclude_check_change`. """ if exclude is None: exclude = self.exclude_check_change super().is_changed(include=include, exclude=exclude)
[docs] def E_grid(self, retstep: bool = True ) -> Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, float]]: """Wrapps np.linspace creates linearly spaced array from Emin to Emax Args: retstep (bool, optional): If `True` (default), returns stepsize Returns: Samples of the array. If `retstep` is `True`, returns also spacing between the samples. """ return np.linspace(self.Emin, self.Sn[0], num=self.steps, retstep=retstep)
@property def spinMass(self): """ Wrapper to get "mass" in self.spincutPars """ try: mass = self._spincutPars['mass'] return mass except: # noqa return None @property def spincutPars(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Parameters necessary for the spin cut model """ return self._spincutPars @spincutPars.setter def spincutPars(self, value: Dict[str, Any]): try: mass = value['mass'] if self._A is not None: if mass != self._A: warnings.warn(UserWarning("mass number set in `spincutPars` does not match `A`.")) # noqa except KeyError: pass self._spincutPars = value @property def A(self) -> Union[int, None]: """ Mass number of the nucleus """ if self._A is None: return self.spinMass return self._A @A.setter def A(self, value: int) -> None: self._A = value if self.spinMass is not None: if self.spinMass != value: warnings.warn(UserWarning("mass number set in `spincutPars` does not match `A`.")) # noqa self._A = value @property def Emax(self) -> float: """ Max energy to integrate <Γγ> to """ if self._Emax is None: return self.Sn[0] else: return self._Emax @Emax.setter def Emax(self, value: float) -> None: assert value > self.Emin, "Emax must be larger then Emin" self._Emax = value
[docs]@dataclass class ResultsNormalized(Model): """Class to store the results of the Oslo Method Note: Due to a issue with automodapi #115, members using `default_factory` have to be documented explicitly here .. autoattribute:: nld .. autoattribute:: gsf .. autoattribute:: pars .. autoattribute:: samples .. autoattribute:: nld_model .. autoattribute:: gsf_model_low .. autoattribute:: gsf_model_high """ #: (Vector or List[Vector]): normalized or initial, depending on method nld: Union[Vector, List[Vector]] = field(default_factory=list, metadata='nld (normalized or initial, depending on method)') # noqa #: (Vector or List[Vector]): normalized or initial, depending on method gsf: Union[Vector, List[Vector]] = field(default_factory=list, metadata='gsf (normalized or initial, depending on method)') # noqa #: (List[Dict[str, Any]]): Parameters for the normalization/models used there pars: List[Dict[str, Any]] = field(default_factory=list, metadata='Parameters for the normalization/models used there') # noqa #: (List[Dict[str, Any]]): Samples from the posterior of the parameters samples: List[Dict[str, Any]] = field(default_factory=list, metadata='Samples from the posterior of the parameters') # noqa #: (List[Callable[..., Any]]): nld model for each nld nld_model: List[Callable[..., Any]] = field(default_factory=list, metadata='nld model') # noqa #: List[AbstractExtrapolationModel]: gsf model at low Eγ for each gsf gsf_model_low: List[AbstractExtrapolationModel] = \ field(default_factory=list, metadata='gsf model at low Eγ') # noqa #: List[AbstractExtrapolationModel]: gsf model at high Eγ for each gsf gsf_model_high: List[AbstractExtrapolationModel] = \ field(default_factory=list, metadata='gsf model at high Eγ') # noqa