Source code for ompy.normalizer_gsf

import logging
import numpy as np
import copy
from numpy import ndarray
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Any, Callable, Union
from pathlib import Path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from .abstract_normalizer import AbstractNormalizer
from .library import log_interp1d, self_if_none
from .models import ResultsNormalized, ExtrapolationModelLow,\
                    ExtrapolationModelHigh, NormalizationParameters
from .normalizer_nld import NormalizerNLD
from .spinfunctions import SpinFunctions
from .vector import Vector

[docs]class NormalizerGSF(AbstractNormalizer): """Normalize γSF to a given` <Γγ> (Gg) Normalizes nld/gsf according to the transformation eq (3), Schiller2000:: gsf' = gsf * B * np.exp(alpha * Eg) Attributes: gsf_in (Vector): gsf to normalize nld (Vector): nld normalizer_nld (NormalizerNLD): NormalizerNLD to retriev parameters. nld_model (Callable[..., Any]): Model for nld above data of the from `y = nld_model(E)` alpha (float): tranformation parameter α model_low (ExtrapolationModelLow): Extrapolation model for the gsf at low energies (below data) model_high (ExtrapolationModelHigh): Extrapolation model for the gsf at high energies (above data) norm_pars (NormalizationParameters): Normalization parameters like experimental <Γγ> method_Gg (str): Method to use for the <Γγ> integral path (Path): The path save the results. res (ResultsNormalized): Results """ LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) # overwrite parent variable logging.captureWarnings(True) def __init__(self, *, normalizer_nld: Optional[NormalizerNLD] = None, nld: Optional[Vector] = None, nld_model: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None, alpha: Optional[float] = None, gsf: Optional[Vector] = None, path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = 'saved_run/normalizers', regenerate: bool = False, norm_pars: Optional[NormalizationParameters] = None, ) -> None: """ Note: The prefered syntax is `Normalizer(nld=...)` If neither is given, the nld (and other parameters) can be explicity be set later by:: `normalizer.normalize(..., nld=...)` or:: `normalizer.nld = ...` In the later case you *might* have to send in a copy if it's a mutable to ensure it is not changed. Args: normalizer_nld (Optional[NormalizerNLD], optional): NormalizerNLD to retrieve parameters. If `nld` and/or `nld_model` are not set, they are taken from `normalizer_nld.res` in `normalize`. nld (Optional[Vector], optional): NLD. If not set it is taken from `normalizer_nld.res` in `normalize`. nld_model (Optional[Callable[..., Any]], optional): Model for nld above data of the from `y = nld_model(E)`. If not set it is taken from `normalizer_nld.res` in `normalize`. alpha (Optional[float], optional): tranformation parameter α gsf (Optional[Vector], optional): gsf to normalize. norm_pars (Optional[NormalizationParameters], optional): Normalization parameters like experimental <Γγ> """ super().__init__(regenerate) # use self._gsf internally, but separate from self._gsf # in order to not trasform self.gsf_in 2x, if normalize() is called 2x self.gsf_in = None if gsf is None else gsf.copy() self.nld = None if nld is None else nld.copy() self.normalizer_nld = normalizer_nld self.nld_model = nld_model self.alpha = alpha if alpha is None else alpha self.model_low = ExtrapolationModelLow(name='model_low') self.model_high = ExtrapolationModelHigh(name='model_high') if norm_pars is None: self.norm_pars = NormalizationParameters(name="GSF Normalization") else: self.norm_pars = norm_pars self._gsf: Optional[Vector] = None self._gsf_low: Optional[Vector] = None self._gsf_high: Optional[Vector] = None self.method_Gg = "standard" self.res: Optional[ResultsNormalized] = None self._saved_SpinSum = None self._saved_spincutModel = None self._saved_spincutPars = None self._saved_SpinSum_args = None if path is None: self.path = None else: self.path = Path(path) self.path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
[docs] def normalize(self, *, gsf: Optional[Vector] = None, normalizer_nld: Optional[NormalizerNLD] = None, alpha: Optional[float] = None, nld: Optional[Vector] = None, nld_model: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None, norm_pars: Optional[NormalizationParameters] = None, num: int = 0) -> None: """Normalize gsf to a given <Γγ> (Gg). Saves results to `self.res`. Args: normalizer_nld (Optional[NormalizerNLD], optional): NormalizerNLD to retrieve parameters. If `nld` and/or `nld_model` are not set, they are taken from `normalizer_nld.res` in `normalize`. nld (Optional[Vector], optional): NLD. If not set it is taken from `normalizer_nld.res` in `normalize`. nld_model (Optional[Callable[..., Any]], optional): Model for nld above data of the from `y = nld_model(E)`. If not set it is taken from `normalizer_nld.res` in `normalize`. alpha (Optional[float], optional): tranformation parameter α gsf (Optional[Vector], optional): gsf to normalize. norm_pars (Optional[NormalizationParameters], optional): Normalization parameters like experimental <Γγ> num (Optional[int], optional): Loop number, defaults to 0. """ if not self.regenerate: try: print("regenerate is self.regenerate") self.load() return except FileNotFoundError: pass # Update internal state if gsf is None: gsf = self.gsf_in assert gsf is not None, "Need to provide gsf as input" normalizer_nld = self.self_if_none(normalizer_nld, nonable=True) if nld is None: self.LOG.debug("Setting nld from from normalizer_nld") self.nld = normalizer_nld.res.nld else: self.nld = self.self_if_none(nld) alpha = self.self_if_none(alpha, nonable=True) if alpha is None: self.LOG.debug("Setting alpha from from normalizer_nld") alpha =["alpha"][0] assert alpha is not None, \ "Provide alpha or normalizer_nld with alpha" self.nld_model = self.self_if_none(nld_model, nonable=True) if nld_model is None: self.LOG.debug("Setting nld_model from from normalizer_nld") self.nld_model = normalizer_nld.res.nld_model assert alpha is not None, \ "Provide nld_model or normalizer_nld with nld_model" self.norm_pars = self.self_if_none(norm_pars) self.norm_pars.is_changed() # check that they have been set # ensure to rerun if normalizer_nld is not None: self.res = copy.deepcopy(normalizer_nld.res) else: self.res = ResultsNormalized(name="Results NLD and GSF, stepwise")"Normalizing #{num}") self._gsf = gsf.copy() # make a copy as it will be transformed gsf.to_MeV() gsf = gsf.transform(alpha=alpha, inplace=False) self._gsf = gsf self.model_low.autorange(gsf) self.model_high.autorange(gsf) self._gsf_low, self._gsf_high = self.extrapolate(gsf) # experimental Gg and calc. both in meV B_norm = self.norm_pars.Gg[0] / self.Gg_before_norm() # propagate uncertainty of D0 B_norm_unc = B_norm * self.norm_pars.D0[1] / self.norm_pars.D0[0] # apply transformation and export results self._gsf.transform(B_norm) self.model_low.norm_to_shift_after(B_norm) self.model_high.norm_to_shift_after(B_norm) # transfer results self.res.gsf = self._gsf self.res.gsf_model_low = copy.deepcopy(self.model_low) self.res.gsf_model_high = copy.deepcopy(self.model_high) if len( > 0:["B"] = [B_norm, B_norm_unc] else: = {"B": [B_norm, B_norm_unc]} # saves instance
[docs] def extrapolate(self, gsf: Optional[Vector] = None, E: Optional[np.ndarray] = [None, None] ) -> Tuple[Vector, Vector]: """ Extrapolate gsf using given models Args: gsf (Optional[Vector]): If extrapolation is fit, it will be fit to this vector. Default is `self._gsf`. E (optional): extrapolation energies [Elow, Ehigh] Returns: The extrapolated gSF-vectors on the form [low region, high region] Raises: ValueError if the models have any `None` variables. """ if gsf is None: gsf = self._gsf if self.model_low.method == "fit": self.LOG.debug("Fitting extrapolation parameters") self.LOG.debug("Extrapolating low: %s", self.model_low) extrapolated_low = self.model_low.extrapolate(scaled=False, E=E[0]) self.LOG.debug("Extrapolating high: %s", self.model_high) extrapolated_high = self.model_high.extrapolate(scaled=False, E=E[1]) return extrapolated_low, extrapolated_high
[docs] def Gg_before_norm(self) -> float: """ Compute <Γγ> before normalization Returns: Gg (float): <Γγ> before normalization, in meV """ self.LOG.debug("Method to compute Gg: %s", self.method_Gg) if self.method_Gg == "standard": return self.Gg_standard() else: # placeholder if normalizations with NotImplementedError(f"Chosen normalization {self.method_Gg}" "method is not known.")
[docs] def Gg_standard(self) -> float: """ Compute normalization from <Γγ> (Gg) integral, the "standard" way Equals "old" (normalization.f) version in the Spin sum get the normaliation, see eg. eq (21) and (26) in Larsen2011; but converted T to gsf. Assumptions: s-wave (current implementation) and equal parity .. parsed-literal:: # better format in shpinx To derive the calculations, we start with <Γγ(E,J,π)> = 1/(2π ρ(E,J,π)) ∑_XL ∑_Jf,πf ∫dEγ 2π Eγ³ gsf(Eγ) * ρ(E-Eγ, Jf, πf) which leads to (eq 26)** <Γγ> = 1 / (4π ρ(Sₙ, Jₜ± ½, πₜ)) ∫dEγ 2π Eγ³ gsf(Eγ) ρ(Sₙ-Eγ) spinsum = 1 / (2 ρ(Sₙ, Jₜ± ½, πₜ)) ∫dEγ Eγ³ gsf(Eγ) ρ(Sₙ-Eγ) spinsum (= 1 / (ρ(Sₙ, Jₜ± ½, πₜ)) ∫dEγ Eγ³ gsf(Eγ) ρ(Sₙ-Eγ) spinsum(π) ) (= D0 1 ∫dEγ Eγ³ gsf(Eγ) ρ(Sₙ-Eγ) spinsum(π) ) where the integral runs from 0 to Sₙ, and the spinsum selects the available spins in dippole decays j=[-1,0,1]: spinsum = ∑ⱼ g(Sₙ-Eγ, Jₜ± ½+j). and <Γγ> is a shorthand for <Γγ(Sₙ, Jₜ± ½, πₜ)>. When Jₜ≠0 where we see resonances from both states Jₜ± ½, but often only <Γγ> is provided. We assume this is calculated as the average over all width: (dropping Sₙ and πₜ in notation) <Γγ> = ( N(Jₜ+½) <Γγ(Jₜ+ ½)> + N(Jₜ-½) <Γγ(Jₜ-½)> ) / ( N(Jₜ+½) + N(Jₜ-½) ), where N(J) is the number of levels with spin J. This is by ρ(J). N(Jₜ+½) + N(Jₜ-½) is the same as ρ(Sₙ, Jₜ± ½, πₜ). We can obtain ρ(Sₙ, Jₜ± ½, πₜ) from eq(19) via D0: ρ(Sₙ, Jₜ± ½, πₜ) = ρ(Sₙ, Jₜ+ ½, πₜ) + ρ(Sₙ, Jₜ+ ½, πₜ) = 1/D₀ = ½ (ρ(Sₙ, Jₜ+ ½) + ρ(Sₙ, Jₜ+ ½)) [equi-parity] Equi-parity means further that g(J,π) = 1/2 * g(J), for the calc. above: spinsum(π) = 1/2 * spinsum. For the Jₜ≠0 case, we can now rewrite: <Γγ> = D0 * (ρ(Sₙ, Jₜ+ ½) * <Γγ(Jₜ+ ½)> + ρ(Sₙ, Jₜ- ½) * <Γγ(Jₜ- ½)>), = D0 * ( ∫dEγ Eγ³ gsf(Eγ) ρ(Sₙ-Eγ) spinsum(Jₜ- ½, π) + ∫dEγ Eγ³ gsf(Eγ) ρ(Sₙ-Eγ) spinsum(Jₜ+ ½, π) ) = D0 ∫dEγ Eγ³ gsf(Eγ) ρ(Sₙ-Eγ) ( spinsum(Jₜ- ½, π) + spinsum(Jₜ+ ½, π)) ** We set B to 1, so we get the <Γγ> before normalization. The normalization B is then `B = <Γγ>_exp/ <Γγ>_cal` Returns: Calculated Gg from gsf and nld """ def wnld(E) -> ndarray: return self.fnld(E, self.nld, self.nld_model) def wgsf(E) -> ndarray: return self.fgsf(E, self._gsf, self._gsf_low, self._gsf_high) def integrate() -> ndarray: Eg, stepsize = self.norm_pars.E_grid() Ex = self.norm_pars.Sn[0] - Eg integral = (np.power(Eg, 3) * wgsf(Eg) * wnld(Ex) * self.SpinSum(Ex, self.norm_pars.Jtarget)) integral = np.sum(integral) * stepsize return integral integral = integrate() # factor of 2 because of equi-parity `spinsum` instead of `spinsum(π)`, # see above integral /= 2 Gg = integral * self.norm_pars.D0[0] * 1e3 # [eV] * 1e3 -> [meV] return Gg
[docs] def SpinSum(self, Ex: Union[float, np.ndarray], J: float, Ltransfer: float = 0) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: """Sum of spin distributions of the available states x 2 (assumes equiparity) Note: `∑_It ∑_Jr g(Jₜ- ½)`, where the first sum is over the available states in the residual ' nuclus assuming a angular momentum transfer `l`: `It = Jₜ ± ½ ± l`. The second sum assumes that we can reach states only b dipole radiaton, so the available final states are: `Jr = It ± 1`. As g(J) is normalized as `∑_J g(J) = 1`, and not `∑_J g(J, π) = ½` the sum calculated here is actually 2x the sum of avaiable states. Args: Ex (Union[float, np.ndarray]): Excitation energy J (float): Target spin (in neutron capture reaction) Ltransfer (float, optional): Angular momentum transfer. Default is 0, corresponding to "swave" transfer. Returns: Union[float, np.ndarray]: Sum of spin distributions. If `Ex` is and array, this will be an array with the sum for each `Ex`. """ # load saved results if available locals_wo_self = locals() locals_wo_self.pop("self") if self.SpinSum_save_reload(locals_wo_self): return self._saved_SpinSum else: spin_dist = self.spin_dist assert J >= 0 and Ltransfer >= 0, \ f"J={J} and l={Ltransfer} cannot be negative" # accessible residual spins Jres_min = min(abs(J - 1/2 - Ltransfer), abs(J + 1/2 - Ltransfer), abs(J - 1/2 + Ltransfer)) Jres_max = J + 1/2 + Ltransfer total = 0 for Jres in np.arange(Jres_min, Jres_max+1): # accessible spins in dipole transition Jfinal_min = min(abs(Jres - 1), Jres) Jfinal_max = Jres + 1 for Jfinal in np.arange(Jfinal_min, Jfinal_max + 1): if Jres == Jfinal == 0: continue total += spin_dist(Ex, Jfinal) # enabling fast reload self._saved_SpinSum = total self._saved_spincutModel = self.norm_pars.spincutModel self._saved_spincutPars = self.norm_pars.spincutPars self._saved_SpinSum_args = locals_wo_self return total
[docs] def SpinSum_save_reload(self, SpinSum_args) -> bool: """ Reload SpinSum if computed with the same parameters before Note: Note the most beautiful comparison, but we get a significant speedup in the multinest calculations Args: SpinSum_args: Arguments sent to SpinSum Return: bool: True, if args of SpinSum are the same as before, and self.spincutModel and self.spincutPars are unchanged """ saved_args = self._saved_SpinSum_args if self._saved_spincutModel is None or self._saved_spincutPars is None: return False elif (self._saved_spincutModel == self.norm_pars.spincutModel and self._saved_spincutPars == self.norm_pars.spincutPars and np.all(saved_args["Ex"] == SpinSum_args["Ex"]) and saved_args["J"] == SpinSum_args["J"] and saved_args["Ltransfer"] == SpinSum_args["Ltransfer"]): return True else: return False
[docs] def spin_dist(self, Ex, J): """ Wrapper for :meth:`ompy.SpinFunctions` curried with model and pars """ return SpinFunctions(Ex=Ex, J=J, model=self.norm_pars.spincutModel, pars=self.norm_pars.spincutPars).distribution()
[docs] def plot(self, ax: Optional[Any] = None, *, add_label: bool = True, add_figlegend: bool = True, plot_fitregion: bool = True, results: Optional[ResultsNormalized] = None, reset_color_cycle: bool = True, **kwargs) -> Tuple[Any, Any]: """Plot the gsf and extrapolation normalization Args: ax (optional): The matplotlib axis to plot onto. Creates axis is not provided add_label (bool, optional): Defaults to `True`. add_figlegend (bool, optional):Defaults to `True`. plot_fitregion (Optional[bool], optional): Defaults to `True`. results (ResultsNormalized, optional): If provided, gsf and model are taken from here instead. reset_color_cycle (Optional[bool], optional): Defaults to `True` **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments Returns: fig, ax """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() else: fig = ax.figure if reset_color_cycle: ax.set_prop_cycle(None) res = self.res if results is None else results gsf = res.gsf model_low = res.gsf_model_low model_high = res.gsf_model_high label_gsf = "exp." if add_label else "_exp." label_model = "model" if add_label else "_model" label_limits = "fit limits" if add_label else "_fit limits" gsf.plot(ax=ax, label=label_gsf, **kwargs) # extend the plotting range to the fit range xplot = np.linspace(model_low.Emin, model_low.Efit[1]) gsf_low = model_low.extrapolate(xplot) xplot = np.linspace(model_high.Efit[0], self.norm_pars.Sn[0]) gsf_high = model_high.extrapolate(xplot) defaults = {"markersize": 0, "linestyle": "--"} defaults.update(kwargs) gsf_low.plot(ax=ax, c='g', label=label_model, **defaults) gsf_high.plot(ax=ax, c='g', **defaults) if plot_fitregion: ax.axvspan(model_low.Efit[0], model_low.Efit[1], color='grey', alpha=0.1, label=label_limits) ax.axvspan(model_high.Efit[0], model_high.Efit[1], color='grey', alpha=0.1) ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xlabel(rf"$\gamma$-ray energy $E_\gamma$~[{gsf.units}]") ax.set_ylabel(rf"$\gamma$-SF f($E_\gamma$)~[{gsf.units}$^{{-3}}$]") if fig is not None and add_figlegend: fig.legend(loc=9, ncol=3, frameon=False) return fig, ax
[docs] def plot_interactive(self): """ Interactive plot to study the impact of different fit regions Note: - This implementation is not the fastest, however helped to reduce the code quite a lot compared to `slider_update` """ from ipywidgets import interact from ipywidgets.widgets import SelectionRangeSlider self.normalize() # maybe not needed here fig, ax = self.plot() ylim = ax.get_ylim() xlim = ax.get_xlim() if self.model_low.method == "fit": energies = [x for x in self._gsf.E] options = [(x, x) for x in energies] defaults = [self._gsf.index(self.model_low.Efit[0]), self._gsf.index(self.model_low.Efit[1])] slider_low = SelectionRangeSlider(options=options, index=defaults, description='Elow', disabled=False) energies = [x for x in self._gsf.E] options = [(x, x) for x in energies] defaults = [self._gsf.index(self.model_high.Efit[0]), self._gsf.index(self.model_high.Efit[1])] slider_high = SelectionRangeSlider(options=options, index=defaults, description='Ehigh', disabled=False) def update(slider_low, slider_high): ax.cla() self.model_low.Efit = slider_low self.model_high.Efit = slider_high self.normalize() self.plot(ax=ax, add_figlegend=False) ax.set_ylim(ylim) ax.set_xlim(xlim) interact(update, slider_low=slider_low, slider_high=slider_high) elif self.model_low.method == "fix": def update(scale_low, shift_low, scale_high, shift_high): ax.cla() self.model_low.scale = scale_low self.model_low.shift = shift_low self.model_high.scale = scale_high self.model_high.shift = shift_high self.normalize() _, _, legend = self.plot(ax=ax, add_figlegend=False) ax.set_ylim(ylim) ax.set_xlim(xlim) interact(update, scale_low=self.model_low.scale_low, shift_low=self.model_low.shift_low, scale_high=self.model_high.scale_high, shift_high=self.model_high.shift_high)
[docs] def lnlike(self): """ log likelihood """ Gg = self.norm_pars.Gg[0] sigma_Gg = self.norm_pars.Gg[1] chi2 = (self.Gg_before_norm() - Gg)/(sigma_Gg) chi2 = chi2**2 return -0.5*chi2
[docs] def self_if_none(self, *args, **kwargs): """ wrapper for lib.self_if_none """ return self_if_none(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def fnld(E: ndarray, nld: Vector, nld_model: Callable) -> ndarray: """Function composed of nld and model, providing `y = nld(E)` Args: E (ndarray): Energies to evaluate nld (Vector): NLD Vector for composition nld_model (Callable): NLD model for composition Returns: ndarray: Composite NLD Raises: ValueError: For low energies, the nld is not extrapolated. This may cause an error, in the calculation of Gg, when `nld` does not extend to 0. Please see for more info. """ fexp = log_interp1d(nld.E, nld.values) conds = [E <= nld.E[-1], E > nld.E[-1]] try: return np.piecewise(E, conds, [fexp, nld_model(E[conds[-1]])]) except ValueError as e: print(e) raise ValueError("Probably your nld does not extend to 0 MeV. Please see for more info.") # noqa
[docs] @staticmethod def fgsf(E: ndarray, gsf: Vector, gsf_low: Vector, gsf_high: Vector) -> ndarray: """Function composed of gsf and model, providing `y = gsf(E)` Note: It will take the extrapolation where no exp. data is available. Args: E (ndarray): Energies to evaluate gsf (Vector): GSF Vector for composition (mid part) gsf_low (Vector): GSF Vector for composition (lower part), usually an extrapolation gsf_high (Vector): GSF Vector for composition (higher part), usually an extrapolation Returns: ndarray: Description """ exp = log_interp1d(gsf.E, gsf.values) ext_low = log_interp1d(gsf_low.E, gsf_low.values) ext_high = log_interp1d(gsf_high.E, gsf_high.values) conds = [E < gsf.E[0], (E >= gsf.E[0]) & (E <= gsf.E[-1]), E > gsf.E[-1]] return np.piecewise(E, conds, [ext_low, exp, ext_high])