Source code for ompy.response

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Implementation of a response matrix created from interpolation
of experimental spectra. It takes the path to a folder (old format)
or a zip file as its construction parameters.

import os
import zipfile as zf
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union, Optional, Tuple, Dict, Any
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import logging

from .rebin import rebin_1D
from .library import div0
from .decomposition import index
from .gauss_smoothing import gauss_smoothing
from .matrix import Matrix
from .vector import Vector

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DTYPE = np.float64

[docs]class Response(): """ Interpolates response read from file for current setup Implementaion of following method Guttormsen et al., NIM A 374 (1996) 371–376. DOI:10.1016/0168-9002(96)00197-0 Throughout the class, be aware that "compton" mat refer to all non-discrete structures (instead of the real Compton effect only). Attributes: resp (pd.DataFrame): Information of the `response table` compton_matrix (np.ndarray): array with compton counts. Shape is (N_incident, N_cmp). Ecmp_array (np.ndarray): energy array for the compton counts smooth_compton (bool): If True, the compoton array is smoothed before further processing. defaults to `False` truncate (float): After how many sigma to truncate gaussian smoothing. Defaults to 6. """ def __init__(self, path: Union[str, Path]): """ The resonse object is initialized with the path to the source files required to perform the interpolation. The path varaiable can either be a folder (assuming "old" format) or a zip file containing the files otherwise found in the folder in the "old" format. Args: path (str or Path): Path to the required file(s) TODO: - adapt rutines for the possibility that not all cmp spectra have the same binning """ path = Path(path) if isinstance(path, str) else path path = path.expanduser() # if "~" was used for the homedir if path.is_dir(): LOG.debug(f"Loading response from directory: {path}") self.resp, self.compton_matrix, self.Ecmp_array = self.LoadDir( path) # Better names would be adventagious elif path.is_file(): LOG.debug(f"Loading response from file: {path}") self.resp, self.compton_matrix, self.Ecmp_array = self.LoadZip( path) elif not path.exists(): raise ValueError(f"Path {path} does not exist") # if compton was not smoothed before self.smooth_compton: bool = False # after how many sigma to truncate gaussian smoothing self.truncate: float = 6
[docs] def LoadZip(self, path: Union[str, Path], resp_name: Optional[str] = 'resp.csv', spec_prefix: Optional[str] = 'cmp'): """ Method for loading response file and compton spectra from zipfile. Is assumes that path is a zip file that constains at least XX files. At least one has to be a special summary table to be named `resp_name`. Args: path (Union[str, Path]): path to folder resp_name (Optional[str], optional): name of file with `response table` spec_prefix (Optional[str], optional): Prefix for all spectra Returns: (tuple) containing - **resp** (*DataFrame*): Information of the `response table`. - **compton_matrix** (*ndarray*): matrix with compton counts. Shape is (N_incident, N_cmp) - **last.E** (*ndarray*): energy array """ path = Path(path) if isinstance(path, str) else path zfile = zf.ZipFile(path, mode='r') if not any(resp_name in name for name in zfile.namelist()): raise ValueError('Response info not present') resp = pd.read_csv(, 'r')) # Verify that resp has all the required columns if not set(['Eg', 'FWHM_rel_norm', 'Eff_tot', 'FE', 'SE', 'DE', 'c511']).issubset(resp.columns): raise ValueError(f'{resp_name} missing one or more required columns') # Verify that zip file contains a spectra for each energy files = [spec_prefix + str(int(Eg)) for Eg in sorted(resp['Eg'])] if not all(file in zfile.namelist() for file in files): raise ValueError(f'One or more compton spectra is missing in {path}') # Now we will read in all the Compton spectra N_cmp = -1 a0_cmp, a1_cmp = -1, -1 # Get calibration and array length from highest-energy spectrum, because the spectra # may have differing length but this is bound to be the longest. with + str(int(max(resp['Eg']))), 'r') as file: lines = file.readlines() a0_cmp = float(str(lines[6]).split(",")[1]) # calibration a1_cmp = float(str(lines[6]).split(",")[2]) # coefficients [keV] N_cmp = int(lines[8][15:]) + 1 # 0 is first index compton_matrix = np.zeros((len(resp['Eg']), N_cmp)) i = 0 for file in [ for file_name in files]: cmp_current = np.genfromtxt(file, comments="!") compton_matrix[i, 0:len(cmp_current)] = cmp_current i += 1 return resp, compton_matrix, np.linspace(a0_cmp, a1_cmp * (N_cmp - 1), N_cmp)
[docs] def LoadDir(self, path: Union[str, Path], resp_name: Optional[str] = 'resp.dat', spec_prefix: Optional[str] = 'cmp'): """ Method for loading response file and compton spectra from a folder. Args: path (Union[str, Path]): path to folder resp_name (Optional[str], optional): name of file with `response table` spec_prefix (Optional[str], optional): Prefix for all spectra Returns: (tuple) containing - **resp** (*DataFrame*): Information of the `response table`. - **compton_matrix** (*ndarray*): matrix with compton counts. Shape is (N_incident, N_cmp) - **last.E** (*ndarray*): energy array """ # Read resp.dat file, which gives information about the energy bins # and discrete peaks resp = [] Nlines = -1 with open(os.path.join(path, resp_name)) as file: while True: line = file.readline() if not line: break if line[0:22] == "# Next: Numer of Lines": # TODO: The above if test is hardly very robust. Find a # better solution. line = file.readline() Nlines = int(line) # print("Nlines =", Nlines) break line = file.readline() # print("line =", line) if not line: raise Exception("Error reading resp.dat") for i in range(Nlines): line = file.readline() # print("line =", line) row = np.array(line.split(), dtype="double") resp.append(row) # Unpack the resp matrix into its columns resp = np.array(resp) Eg_sim_array, fwhm_rel, Eff_tot, FE, SE, DE, c511 = resp.T # "Eg_sim" means "gamma, simulated", and refers to the gamma energies # where we have simulated Compton spectra. # Get calibration and array length from highest-energy spectrum, # because the spectra may have differing length, # but the last is bound to be the longest. N_Eg = len(Eg_sim_array) fnames = [] for i in range(0, N_Eg): fnames.append(f"{spec_prefix}{Eg_sim_array[i]:.0f}") last = Vector(path=os.path.join(path, fnames[-1])) N_cmp = last.shape[0] compton_matrix = np.zeros((N_Eg, N_cmp)) # Read the rest: for i in range(0, N_Eg): cmp_current = Vector(path=os.path.join(path, fnames[i])) if cmp_current.calibration() != last.calibration(): raise NotImplementedError("Currently, all cmp calibrations" "have to be the same") compton_matrix[i, 0:len(cmp_current.values)] = cmp_current.values resp = pd.DataFrame(data={ 'Eg': Eg_sim_array, 'FWHM_rel_norm': fwhm_rel, 'Eff_tot': Eff_tot, 'FE': FE, 'SE': SE, 'DE': DE, 'c511': c511}) return resp, compton_matrix, last.E
[docs] def get_probabilities(self): """ Interpolate full-energy peak probabilities (...) """ # total number of counts for each of the loaded responses self.sum_spec = self.compton_matrix.sum(axis=1) \ + self.resp['FE'] + self.resp['SE'] + self.resp['DE'] \ + self.resp['c511'] self.sum_spec = np.array(self.sum_spec) # normalize "compton" spectra self.cmp_matrix = div0(self.compton_matrix, self.sum_spec.reshape((len(self.sum_spec), 1))) # Vector of total Compton probability self.pcmp = self.cmp_matrix.sum(axis=1) # Full energy, single escape, etc: self.pFE = div0(self.resp['FE'], self.sum_spec) self.pSE = div0(self.resp['SE'], self.sum_spec) self.pDE = div0(self.resp['DE'], self.sum_spec) self.p511 = div0(self.resp['c511'], self.sum_spec) # Interpolate the peak structures except Compton (handled separately) def interpolate(y, fill_value="extrapolate"): return interp1d(self.resp['Eg'], y, kind="linear", bounds_error=False, fill_value=fill_value) self.f_pcmp = interpolate(self.pcmp) self.f_pFE = interpolate(self.pFE) self.f_pSE = interpolate(self.pSE, fill_value=0) self.f_pDE = interpolate(self.pDE, fill_value=0) self.f_p511 = interpolate(self.p511, fill_value=0) self.f_fwhm_rel_perCent_norm = interpolate(self.resp['FWHM_rel_norm']) # TODO: Should this be extrapolated, too? self.f_Eff_tot = interpolate(self.resp['Eff_tot']) fwhm_rel_1330 = (self.fwhm_abs / 1330 * 100) self.f_fwhm_rel_perCent = interpolate(self.resp['FWHM_rel_norm'] * fwhm_rel_1330) def f_fwhm_abs(E): # noqa return E * self.f_fwhm_rel_perCent(E)/100 self.f_fwhm_abs = f_fwhm_abs
[docs] def interpolate(self, Eout: np.ndarray = None, fwhm_abs: float = None, return_table: bool = False ) -> Union[Matrix, Tuple[Matrix, pd.DataFrame]]: """ Interpolated the response matrix Perform the interpolation for the energy range specified in Eout with FWHM at 1332 keV given by FWHM_abs (in keV). The interpolation is split into energy regions. Below the back-scattering energy Ebsc we interpolate linearly, then we apply the "fan method" (Guttormsen 1996) in the region from Ebsc up to the Compton edge, with a Compton scattering angle dependent interpolation. From the Compton edge to Egmax we also use a fan, but with a linear interpolation. Note: Below the ~350 keV we only use a linear interpolation, as the fan method does not work. This is not described in Guttormsen 1996. Args: folderpath: The path to the folder containing Compton spectra and resp.dat Eout_array: The desired energies of the output response matrix. fwhm_abs: The experimental absolute full-width-half-max at 1.33 MeV. Note: In the article it is recommended to use 1/10 of the real FWHM for unfolding. return_table (optional): Returns "all" output, see below Returns: Matrix or Tuple[Matrix, pd.DataFrame]: - response (Matrix): Response matrix with incident energy on the "Ex" axis and the spectral response on the "Eg" axis - response_table (DataFrame, optional): Table with efficiencies, FE, SE (...) probabilities, and so on """ self.Eout = Eout self.fwhm_abs = fwhm_abs self.get_probabilities() self.iterpolate_checks() N_out = len(Eout) self.N_out = N_out fwhm_abs_array = Eout * self.f_fwhm_rel_perCent(Eout) / 100 R = np.zeros((N_out, N_out)) # Loop over rows of the response matrix # TODO for speedup: Change this to a cython for j, E in enumerate(Eout): oneSigma = fwhm_abs_array[j] / 2.35 Egmax = E + 6 * oneSigma i_Egmax = min(index(Eout, Egmax), N_out-1) LOG.debug(f"Response for E {E:.0f} calc up to {Eout[i_Egmax]:.0f}") compton = self.get_closest_compton(E) R_low, i_bsc = self.linear_backscatter(E, compton) R_fan, i_last = \ self.fan_method_compton(E, compton, i_start=i_bsc+1, i_stop=i_Egmax) if i_last <= i_bsc+2: # fan method didn't do anything R_high = self.linear_to_end(E, compton, i_start=i_bsc+1, i_stop=i_Egmax) R[j, :] += R_low + R_high else: R_high = self.fan_to_end(E, compton, i_start=i_last+1, i_stop=i_Egmax, fwhm_abs_array=fwhm_abs_array) R[j, :] += R_low + R_fan + R_high # coorecton below E_sim[0] if E < self.resp['Eg'][0]: R[j, j + 1:] = 0 discrete_peaks = self.discrete_peaks(j, fwhm_abs_array) R[j, :] += discrete_peaks # smooth if compton background was not smoothed before (?) # if performed here, no need to smooth twice, see discrete_peaks if self.smooth_compton: R[j, :] = gauss_smoothing(R[j, :], self.Eout, fwhm_abs_array, truncate=self.truncate) # normalize (preserve probability) R[j, :] = div0(R[j, :], np.sum(R[j, :])) # Remove any negative elements from response matrix: if len(R[R < 0]) != 0: LOG.debug(f"{len(R[R < 0])} entries in R were set to 0") R[R < 0] = 0 response = Matrix(values=R, Eg=Eout, Ex=Eout) if return_table: # Return the response matrix, as well as the other structures, # FWHM and efficiency, interpolated to the Eout_array response_table = {'E': Eout, 'fwhm_abs': fwhm_abs_array, 'fwhm_rel_%': self.f_fwhm_rel_perCent(Eout), 'fwhm_rel': self.f_fwhm_rel_perCent(Eout)/100, 'eff_tot': self.f_Eff_tot(Eout), 'pcmp': self.f_pcmp(Eout), 'pFE': self.f_pFE(Eout), 'pSE': self.f_pSE(Eout), 'pDE': self.f_pDE(Eout), 'p511': self.f_p511(Eout)} response_table = pd.DataFrame(data=response_table) return response, response_table else: return response
[docs] def iterpolate_checks(self): """ Check on the inputs to `interpolate` """ assert(1e-1 <= self.fwhm_abs <= 1000), \ "Check the fwhm_abs, probably it's wrong."\ "\nNormal Oscar≃30 keV, Now: {} keV".format(self.fwhm_abs) Eout = self.Eout if len(Eout) <= 1: raise ValueError("Eout should have more elements than 1" \ f"now {len(Eout)}") assert abs(self.f_fwhm_rel_perCent_norm(1330) - 1) < 0.05, \ "Response function format not as expected. " \ "In the Mama-format, the 'f_fwhm_rel_perCent' column denotes "\ "the relative fwhm (= fwhm/E), but normalized to 1 at 1.33 MeV. "\ f"Now it is: {self.f_fwhm_rel_perCent_norm(1330)} at 1.33 MeV.""Note: Spectra outside of {self.resp['Eg'].min()} and " f"{self.resp['Eg'].max()} are extrapolation only.")
[docs] def get_closest_compton(self, E: float) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Find and rebin closest energies from available response functions If `E < self.resp['Eg'].min()` the compton matrix will be replaced by an array of zeros. Args: E (float): Description Returns: Dict with entries `Elow` and `Ehigh`, and `ilow` and `ihigh`, the (indices) of closest energies. The arrays `counts_low` and `counts_high` are the corresponding arrays of `compton` spectra. """ N = len(self.resp['Eg']) # ilow = 0 ihigh = np.searchsorted(self.resp['Eg'], E, side="right") if ihigh == N: # E > self.resp['Eg'].max() ihigh -= 1 ilow = ihigh-1 # Select the Compton spectra, called Fs1 and Fs2 in MAMA. Ehigh = self.resp['Eg'][ihigh] cmp_high = self.cmp_matrix[ihigh, :] if ilow < 0: # E < self.resp['Eg'].min() Elow = 0 cmp_low = np.zeros_like(cmp_high) else: Elow = self.resp['Eg'][ilow] cmp_low = self.cmp_matrix[ilow, :] Enew = np.arange(self.Eout[0], self.Ecmp_array[-1], self.Eout[1] - self.Eout[0]) cmp_low = rebin_1D(cmp_low, self.Ecmp_array, Enew) cmp_high = rebin_1D(cmp_high, self.Ecmp_array, Enew) compton = {"ilow": ilow, "ihigh": ihigh, "Elow": Elow, "Ehigh": Ehigh, "counts_low": cmp_low, "counts_high": cmp_high} return compton
[docs] def linear_cmp_interpolation(self, E: float, compton: dict, fill_value: str = "extrapolate" ) -> np.ndarray: """Linear interpolation between the compton spectra Args: E (float): Incident energy compton (dict): Dict. with information about the compton spectra to interpolate between fill_value (str, optional): Fill value beyond boundaries Returns: f_cmp (nd.array): Interpolated values """ x = np.array([compton["Elow"], compton["Ehigh"]]) y = np.vstack([compton["counts_low"], compton["counts_high"]]) f_cmp = interp1d(x, y, kind="linear", bounds_error=False, fill_value=fill_value, axis=0) return f_cmp(E)
[docs] def linear_backscatter(self, E: float, compton: dict) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, int]: """Interpolate one-to-one up to the backscatter peak Args: E (float): Incident energy compton (dict): Dict. with information about the compton spectra to interpolate between Returns: Tuple[np.ndarray, int]: `R` is Response for `E`, and `i_bc` is index of backscatter peak """ Eedge = self.E_compton(E, theta=np.pi) # compton-edge energy Ebsc = E - Eedge # back-scattering energy i_bsc = index(self.Eout, Ebsc) R = np.zeros(self.N_out) fcmp = self.linear_cmp_interpolation(E, compton) R[:i_bsc+1] = fcmp[:i_bsc+1] R[R < 0] = 0 return R, i_bsc
[docs] def linear_to_end(self, E: float, compton: dict, i_start: int, i_stop: int) -> np.ndarray: """Interpolate one-to-one from the last fan energy to the Emax Args: E (float): Incident energy compton (dict): Dict. with information about the compton spectra to interpolate between i_start (int): Index where to start (usually end of fan method) i_stop (int): Index where to stop (usually E+n*resolution) Returns: np.ndarray: Response for `E` """ R = np.zeros(self.N_out) fcmp = self.linear_cmp_interpolation(E, compton) R[i_start:i_stop+1] = fcmp[i_start:i_stop+1] R[R < 0] = 0 return R
[docs] def fan_to_end(self, E: float, compton: dict, i_start: int, i_stop: int, fwhm_abs_array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Linear(!) fan interpolation from Compton edge to Emax The fan-part is "scaled" by the distance between the Compton edge and max(E). To get a reasonable scaling, we have to use ~6 sigma. Note: We extrapolate up to self.N_out, and not i_stop, as a workaround connected to Magne's 1/10th FWHM unfolding [which results in a very small i_stop.] Args: E (float): Incident energy compton (dict): Dict. with information about the compton spectra to interpolate between i_start (int): Index where to start (usually end of fan method) i_stop (int): Index where to stop (usually E+n*resolution) fwhm_abs_array (np.ndarray): FHWM array, absolute values Returns: np.ndarray: Response for `E` """ R = np.zeros(self.N_out) Esim_low = compton["Elow"] Esim_high = compton["Ehigh"] Ecmp1 = self.E_compton(Esim_low, np.pi) Ecmp2 = self.E_compton(Esim_high, np.pi) i_low_edge = index(self.Eout, Ecmp1) i_high_edge = index(self.Eout, Ecmp2) oneSigma = fwhm_abs_array[index(self.Eout, Esim_low)] / 2.35 Egmax1 = Esim_low + 6 * oneSigma scale1 = (Egmax1 - Ecmp1) / (self.Eout[i_stop] - self.Eout[i_start]) oneSigma = fwhm_abs_array[index(self.Eout, Esim_high)] / 2.35 Egmax2 = Esim_high + 6 * oneSigma scale2 = (Egmax2 - Ecmp2) / (self.Eout[i_stop] - self.Eout[i_start]) def lin_interpolation(x, x0, y0, x1, y1): return y0 + (y1-y0)*(x-x0)/(x1-x0) i_edge = i_start-1 # for i in range(i_edge+1, i_stop): for i in range(i_edge+1, self.N_out): i1 = int(i_low_edge + scale1 * (i - i_edge)) i2 = int(i_high_edge + scale2 * (i - i_edge)) if i1 >= len(compton["counts_low"]): i1 = len(compton["counts_low"])-1 if i2 >= len(compton["counts_high"]): i2 = len(compton["counts_high"])-1 c1 = compton["counts_low"][i1] c2 = compton["counts_high"][i2] y = lin_interpolation(E, Esim_low, c1, Esim_high, c2) R[i] = y if len(R[R < 0]) != 0: LOG.debug(f"In linear fan method, {len(R[R < 0])} entries in R" "are negative and now set to 0") R[R < 0] = 0 return R
[docs] def fan_method_compton(self, E: float, compton: dict, i_start: int, i_stop: int) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, int]: """Fan method Args: E (float): Incident energy compton (dict): Dict. with information about the compton spectra to interpolate between i_start (int): Index where to start (usually end of backscatter) i_stop (int): Index where to stop (usually E+n*resolution). Note that it can be stopped earlier, which will be reported through `i_last` Returns: Tuple[np.ndarray, int]: `R` is Response for `E`, and `i_last` last index of fan-method """ R = np.zeros(self.N_out) Ece = self.E_compton(E, theta=np.pi) i_E_max = min(i_stop, self.N_out) i_ce_max = min(index(self.Eout, Ece), i_E_max) Esim_low = compton["Elow"] Esim_high = compton["Ehigh"] def lin_interpolation(x, x0, y0, x1, y1): return y0 + (y1-y0)*(x-x0)/(x1-x0) i_last = i_start # Keep track of how far up the fan method goes for i in range(i_start, i_ce_max): # In Mama: E -> Egam, Ei -> E [Fabio] # Energy of current point in interpolated spectrum Ei = self.Eout[i] if Ei < 0.1 or Ei > Ece: continue z = div0(Ei, (E / 511 * (E - Ei))) theta = np.arccos(1 - z) if theta > 0 and theta < np.pi: # Determine interpolation indices in low and high arrays # by Compton formula Ecmp_ = self.E_compton(Esim_low, theta) i_low_interp = index(self.Eout, Ecmp_) Ecmp_ = self.E_compton(Esim_high, theta) i_high_interp = index(self.Eout, Ecmp_) c1 = compton["counts_low"][i_low_interp] c2 = compton["counts_high"][i_high_interp] # apply correction c1 *= self.dE_dtheta(Esim_low, theta) c2 *= self.dE_dtheta(Esim_high, theta) # essential equation c(E), which is below (2) interpol = lin_interpolation(E, Esim_low, c1, Esim_high, c2) R[i] = interpol / self.dE_dtheta(E, theta) i_last = i if len(R[R < 0]) != 0: LOG.debug(f"In fan method, {len(R[R < 0])} entries in R" "are negative and now set to 0") R[R < 0] = 0 return R, i_last
[docs] def discrete_peaks(self, i_response: int, fwhm_abs_array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Add discrete peaks for a given channel and smooth them Args: i_response (int): Channel in response matrix fwhm_abs_array (np.ndarray): Array with fwhms for each channel Returns: Array with smoothed discrete peaks """ discrete_peaks = np.zeros(self.N_out) Eout = self.Eout E_fe = Eout[i_response] # Add full-energy peak, which should be at energy corresponding to # index i_response: discrete_peaks[i_response] = self.f_pFE(E_fe) # Add single-escape peak E_se = E_fe - 511 if E_se >= 0 and E_se >= Eout[0]: i_floor, i_ceil, floor_distance\ = self.two_channel_split(E_se, Eout) discrete_peaks[ i_floor] += (1 - floor_distance) * self.f_pSE(E_fe) discrete_peaks[i_ceil] += floor_distance * self.f_pSE(E_fe) # Repeat for double-escape peak E_de = E_fe - 2 * 511 if E_de >= 0 and E_de >= Eout[0]: i_floor, i_ceil, floor_distance\ = self.two_channel_split(E_de, Eout) discrete_peaks[ i_floor] += (1 - floor_distance) * self.f_pDE(E_fe) discrete_peaks[i_ceil] += floor_distance * self.f_pDE(E_fe) # Add 511 annihilation peak if E_fe > 511 and 511 >= Eout[0]: E_511 = 511 i_floor, i_ceil, floor_distance\ = self.two_channel_split(E_511, Eout) discrete_peaks[ i_floor] += (1 - floor_distance) * self.f_p511(E_fe) discrete_peaks[i_ceil] += floor_distance * self.f_p511(E_fe) if not self.smooth_compton: # Do common smoothing of the discrete_peaks array: discrete_peaks = gauss_smoothing(discrete_peaks, Eout, fwhm_abs_array, truncate=self.truncate) return discrete_peaks
[docs] @staticmethod def E_compton(Eg, theta): """ Calculates the energy of an electron that is scattered an angle theta by a gamma-ray of energy Eg. Note: For `Eg <= 0.1` it returns `Eg`. (workaround) Args: Eg: Energy of incident gamma-ray in keV theta: Angle of scatter in radians Returns: Energy Ee of scattered electron """ Eg_scattered = Eg / (1 + Eg / 511 * (1 - np.cos(theta))) electron = Eg - Eg_scattered return np.where(Eg > 0.1, electron, Eg)
[docs] @staticmethod def dE_dtheta(Eg, theta): """ Function to correct number of counts due to delta(theta) Adapted from MAMA in the file kelvin.f It is dE/dtheta of the E(theta) in Eq. (2) in Guttormsen 1996. Args: Eg: Energy of gamma-ray in keV theta: Angle of scatter in radians Returns: TYPE: dE_dtheta """ a = (Eg * Eg / 511 * np.sin(theta)) b = (1 + Eg / 511 * (1 - np.cos(theta)))**2 return a / b
[docs] @staticmethod def two_channel_split(E_centroid, E_array): """ When E_centroid is between two bins in E_array, this function returns the indices of the two nearest bins and the distance to the lower bin. The distance to the higher bin is 1-floor_distance Args: E_centroid (double): The energy of the centroid (mid-bin) E_array (np.array, double): The energy grid to distribute """ a0 = E_array[0] a1 = E_array[1] - E_array[0] bin_as_float = (E_centroid - a0) / a1 i_floor = int(np.floor(bin_as_float)) i_ceil = int(np.ceil(bin_as_float)) floor_distance = (bin_as_float - i_floor) return i_floor, i_ceil, floor_distance