Source code for ompy.spinfunctions

import numpy as np
from .library import call_model
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from typing import Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Any, Union, Dict

[docs]class SpinFunctions: """ Calculates spin distributions, spin cuts (...) """ def __init__(self, Ex: Union[float, Sequence], J: Union[float, Sequence], model: str, pars: Dict[str, Any]): """ Args: Ex (Union[float, Sequence]): Excitation energy J (Union[float, Sequence]): Spin model (str): Modelname for the the spincut pars (Dict[str, Any]): Additional parameters necessary for the spin cut model """ self.Ex = np.atleast_1d(Ex) self.J = np.atleast_1d(J) self.model = model = pars
[docs] def get_sigma2(self): """ Get the square of the spin cut for a specified model """ model = self.model pars = if model == "const": pars_req = {"sigma"} return call_model(self.gconst, pars, pars_req) elif model == "EB05": pars_req = {"mass", "NLDa", "Eshift"} return call_model(self.gEB05, pars, pars_req) elif model == "EB09_CT": pars_req = {"mass"} return call_model(self.gEB09_CT, pars, pars_req) elif model == "EB09_emp": pars_req = {"mass", "Pa_prime"} return call_model(self.gEB09_emp, pars, pars_req) elif model == "Disc_and_EB05": pars_req = {"mass", "NLDa", "Eshift", "Sn", "sigma2_disc"} return call_model(self.gDisc_and_EB05, pars, pars_req) elif model == "Disc_and_sigmaSn": pars_req = {"sigma2_disc", "sigma2_Sn"} return call_model(self.gDisc_and_sigmaSn, pars, pars_req) else: raise TypeError( "\nError: Spincut model not supported; check spelling\n")
[docs] def distribution(self) -> Tuple[float, np.ndarray]: """Get spin distribution Note: Assuming equal parity Returns: spinDist (Tuple[float, np.ndarray]): Spin distribution. Shape depends on input Ex and J and is squeezed if only one of them is an array. If both are arrays: `spinDist[Ex,J]` """ sigma2 = self.get_sigma2() sigma2 = sigma2[np.newaxis] # ability to transpose "1D" array spinDist = ((2. * self.J + 1.) / (2. * sigma2.T) * np.exp(-np.power(self.J + 0.5, 2.) / (2. * sigma2.T))) return np.squeeze(spinDist) # return 1D if Ex or J is single entry
# different spin cut models
[docs] def gconst(self, sigma: float, Ex: Optional[Union[float, Sequence]] = None) -> Union[float, Sequence] : # noqa """ Constant spin-cutoff parameter Args: sigma (int): Spin cut-off parameter Returns: Union[float, Sequence]: Squared spincut """ Ex = self.Ex if Ex is None else Ex return np.full_like(Ex, sigma**2)
[docs] def gEB05(self, mass: int, NLDa: float, Eshift: float, Ex: Optional[Union[float, Sequence]] = None) -> Union[float, Sequence] : # noqa """ Von Egidy & B PRC72,044311(2005), Eq. (4) The rigid moment of inertia formula (RMI) FG+CT Args: mass (int): The mass number of the residual nucleus NLDa (float): Level density parameter Eshift (float): Energy shift Ex (float or Sequence, optional): Excitation energy. Defaults to self.Ex Returns: Union[float, Sequence]: Squared spincut """ Ex = self.Ex if Ex is None else Ex Ex = np.atleast_1d(Ex) Eeff = Ex - Eshift Eeff[Eeff < 0] = 0 sigma2 = (0.0146 * np.power(mass, 5.0 / 3.0) * (1 + np.sqrt(1 + 4 * NLDa * Eeff)) / (2 * NLDa)) return sigma2
[docs] def gEB09_CT(self, mass: int, Ex: Optional[Union[float, Sequence]] = None) -> Union[float, Sequence]: """ The constant temperature (CT) formula - Von Egidy & B PRC80,054310, see sec. IV, p7 refering to ref. below - original ref: Von Egidy et al., NPA 481 (1988) 189, Eq. (3) Args: mass (int): Excitation energy Returns: Union[float, Sequence]: Squared spincut """ Ex = self.Ex if Ex is None else Ex sigma2 = np.power(0.98 * (mass**(0.29)), 2) return sigma2
[docs] def gEB09_emp(self, mass: int, Pa_prime: float, Ex: Optional[Union[float, Sequence]] = None) -> Union[float, Sequence] : # noqa """ Von Egidy & B PRC80,054310, Eq.(16) FG+CT Args: mass (int): Excitation energy Pa_prime (float): Deuteron pairing energy Ex (float or Sequence, optional): Excitation energy. Defaults to self.Ex Returns: Union[float, Sequence]: Squared spincut """ Ex = self.Ex if Ex is None else Ex Ex = np.atleast_1d(Ex) Eeff = Ex - 0.5 * Pa_prime Eeff[Eeff < 0] = 0 sigma2 = 0.391 * np.power(mass, 0.675) * np.power(Eeff, 0.312) return sigma2
[docs] def gDisc_and_EB05(self, mass: int, NLDa: float, Eshift: float, Sn: float, sigma2_disc: Tuple[float, float], Ex: Optional[Union[float, Sequence]] = None) -> Union[float, Sequence] : # noqa """ Linear interpolation of the spin-cut between a spin cut "from the discrete levels" and EB05 References: Guttormsen et al., PRC 96, 024313 (2017) R. Capote et al., Nucl. Data Sheets 110, 3107-3214 (2009) Note: We set sigma2(E<E_discrete) = sigma2(E_discrete). This is not specified in the article, and may have been done differently before. Args: mass (int): The mass number of the residual nucleus NLDa (float): Level density parameter Eshift (float): Energy shift Sn (float): Neutron separation energy sigma2_disc (Tuple[float, float]): [float, float] [Energy, sigma2] from the discretes Ex (float or Sequence, optional): Excitation energy. Defaults to self.Ex Returns: Union[float, Sequence]: Squared spincut """ Ex = self.Ex if Ex is None else Ex Ex = np.atleast_1d(Ex) sigma2_Sn = self.gEB05(mass, NLDa, Eshift, Ex=Sn) sigma2_EB05 = lambda Ex: self.gEB05(mass, NLDa, Eshift, Ex=Ex) # noqa x = [sigma2_disc[0], Sn] y = [sigma2_disc[1], sigma2_EB05(Sn)] sigma2 = interp1d(x, y, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(sigma2_disc[1], sigma2_Sn)) return np.where(Ex < Sn, sigma2(Ex), sigma2_EB05(Ex))
[docs] def gDisc_and_sigmaSn(self, sigma2_disc: Tuple[float, float], sigma2_Sn: Tuple[float, float], Ex: Optional[Union[float, Sequence]] = None) -> Union[float, Sequence]: # noqa """ Linear interpolation of the spin-cut between a spin cut "from the discrete levels" and a set value at the nutron separation energy. Essentially the same as `gDisc_and_EB05` but with spin-cut at Sn explicitly set. Reference: Guttormsen et al., PRC 96, 024313 (2017) R. Capote et al., Nucl. Data Sheets 110, 3107-3214 (2009) Args: sigma2_disc (Tuple[float, float]): [float, float] [Energy, sigma2] for the discretes sigma2_Sn(Tuple[float, float]): [float, float] [Energy, sigma2] at Sn. Returns: Union[float, Sequence]: Squared spincut """ Ex = self.Ex if Ex is None else Ex Ex = np.atleast_1d(Ex) x = [sigma2_disc[0], sigma2_Sn[0]] y = [sigma2_disc[1], sigma2_Sn[1]] sigma2 = interp1d(x, y, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(sigma2_disc[1], sigma2_Sn[1])) return sigma2(Ex)